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Re: [ABE-L]: Fw: Bayesian Analysis - June 2009

Caros Redistas,

Aproveitando o email da Alexandra gostaria de enfatizar que
conheçi muito bem o Grupo de Bioestatística do MD Anderson Cancer
Center, em Houston, há cerca de 14 anos, sendo esse formado por
pessoas de excelente nível acadêmico, super-produtivos nas áreas
(teórica e aplicada) Fisheriana e Bayesiana.

Não é por acaso que esse centro médico recebe pacientes (a exemplo
do ilustre Vice-Presidente José Alencar) de todo o mundo, sendo
considerado top em pesquisas voltadas ao tratamento do câncer.

Cordiais Saudações,


Quoting "Alexandra M. Schmidt" <alex@im.ufrj.br>:

Aos simpatizantes do paradigma bayesiano.

Um otimo final de semana a todos!


---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: heidi sestrich <heidi@stat.cmu.edu>
To: isba-news@stat.cmu.edu
Sent: Fri, 29 May 2009 09:47:56 -0400
Subject: Bayesian Analysis - June 2009

2009, Volume 04, Number 02, pp. 191--412

This issue of Bayesian Analysis features
a discussion paper by
Guosheng Yin of the MD Anderson Cancer
Center, whose Division of
Quantitative Sciences has long been
recognized as a preeminent center
of Bayesian research, both in theory and
biomedical applications.
Dr. Yin develops a Bayesian generalized
method of moments (GMM)
method, intended to rival the very
popular generalized estimating
equations (GEE) methods in situations
where exact likelihood
calculations are difficult.  The GMM
approach is critically evaluated
both in the paper and in the
accompanying discussions by Drs. Ming-Hui
Chen and Sungduk Kim of the University
of Connecticut, and Dr. Ciprian
Crainiceanu of Johns Hopkins University.

The June 2009 issue includes the
following articles:

     * Bayesian Generalized Method of
Moments, by Guosheng Yin, pp. 191
           - 208, posted online
2009-01-10, DOI:10.1214/09-BA407
           o Comments on Article by Yin,
by Ming-Hui Chen and Sungduk
     Kim, pp. 209 - 212, posted online
           o Comments on Article by Yin,
by Ciprian M. Crainiceanu,
     pp. 213 - 216, posted online
2009-05-26, DOI:10.1214/09-BA407B
           o Rejoinder, by Guosheng Yin,
pp. 217 - 222, posted online
     2009-05-26, DOI:10.1214/09-BA407REJ

     * Some Bayesian Credibility
Premiums Obtained by Using Posterior
     Regret Gamma-Minimax Methodology,
by E. Gomez-Deniz, pp. 223 -
     242, posted online 2009-03-06,

     * Modal Clustering in a Class of
Product Partition Models, by
     David B. Dahl, pp. 243 - 264,
posted online 2009-03-20,

     * A grade of membership model for
rank data, by Isobel C. Gormley
     and Thomas B. Murphy, pp. 265 -
296, posted online 2009-03-20,

     * Spatial Mixture Modelling for
Unobserved Point Processes:
     Examples in Immunofluorescence
Histology, by Chunlin Ji, Daniel
     Merl, Thomas B. Kepler and Mike
West, pp. 297 - 316, posted online
     2009-04-20, DOI:10.1214/09-BA411

     * ABC likelihood-free methods for
model choice in Gibbs random
     fields, by A. Grelaud, C. P.
Robert, J-M Marin, F. Rodolphe and
     J-F Taly, pp. 317 - 336, posted
online 2009-04-17,

     * Inference in incidence,
infection, and impact: Co-infection of
     multiple hosts by multiple
pathogens, by James S. Clark and
     Michelle H. Hersh, pp. 337 - 366,
posted online 2009-05-05,

     * Improved Criteria for Clustering
Based on the Posterior
     Similarity Matrix, by Arno Fritsch
and Katja Ickstadt, pp. 367 -
     392, posted online 2009-05-18,

     * A Dynamic Modelling Strategy for
Bayesian Computer Model
     Emulation, by Fei Liu and Mike
West, pp. 393 - 412, posted online
     2009-03-12, DOI:10.1214/09-BA415


The journal is sponsored by the
International Society for Bayesian
Analysis (ISBA). Its editors are Kate
Cowles, Philip Dawid, David Dunson, David
Heckerman, Michael Jordan, Antonietta
Mira, and Fabrizio Ruggeri. Brad
Carlin is serving as Editor-in-Chief,
Herbie Lee is Managing Editor,
Angelika van der Linde is Production
Editor, Marina Vanucci is Deputy
Editor, and Pantelis Vlachos is System
Managing Editor.

Bayesian Analysis seeks to publish a
wide range of articles that
demonstrate or discuss Bayesian methods
in some theoretical or applied
context. The journal welcomes
submissions involving presentation of new
computational and statistical methods;
reviews, criticism, and
discussion of existing approaches;
historical perspectives; description
of important scientific or policy
application areas; case studies; and
methods for experimental design, data
collection, data sharing, or
data mining. Evaluation of submissions
is based on importance of content
and effectiveness of communication.

Heidi Rhodes Sestrich
Administrative Coordinator/
Document Production Specialist
Department of Statistics
Baker Hall 232A
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
------- End of Forwarded Message -------

Alexandra Mello Schmidt, PhD
Professora Adjunta
Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
Caixa Postal 68530 Rio de Janeiro - RJ
CEP:21.945-970 Brasil
Tel: 0055 21 2562 7505 Ramal (Extension) 204
Fax: 0055 21 2562 7374

Cash your dreams before they slip away.  Lose your dreams and you lose your
mind (From the "God of Small things").
Gentileza gera gentileza (Profeta Gentileza)