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Enc: Announcing the launch of the Chilean Journal of Statistics

Caros Redistas,

Mais uma opção para os nossos pesquisadores: o periódico
da Sociedade Chilena de Estatística revisitado agora pelo
Prof. Victor Leiva. O site é


Muito bom o 1o número em homenagem a Pilar!

Cordiais Saudações,


----- Mensagem encaminhada de victor.leiva@yahoo.com -----
    Data: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 17:23:06 -0700 (PDT)
    De: Victor Leiva <victor.leiva@yahoo.com>
Endereço para Resposta (Reply-To): Victor Leiva <victor.leiva@yahoo.com>
 Assunto: Announcing the launch of the Chilean Journal of Statistics
Para: Reinaldo Arellano <reivalle@mat.puc.cl>, Victor Leiva <victor.leiva@uv.cl>, Wilfredo Palma <wilfredo@mat.puc.cl>, Ronny Vallejos <ronny.vallejos@uv.cl>, Guido del Pino <gdelpino@mat.puc.cl>, "N. Balakrishnan" <bala@mcmaster.ca>, George Christakos <gchrista@mail.sdsu.edu>, "Carles M. Cuadras" <ccuadras@ub.edu>, Fabrizio Ruggeri <fabrizio@mi.imati.cnr.it>, "Pranab K. Sen" <pksen@bios.unc.edu>, Jose Miguel Angulo <jmangulo@ugr.es>, "Martha B. Aliaga" <martha@amstat.org>, Carmen Batanero <batanero@ugr.es>, Ionut Bebu <obebu@gmail.com>, "Jose M. Bernardo" <jose.m.bernardo@uv.es>, Heleno Bolfarine <hbolfar@ime.usp.br>, Marcia Branco <mbranco@ime.usp.br>, Yogui Chaubey <chaubey@alcor.concordia.ca>, Gauss Cordeiro <gauss@deinfo.ufrpe.br>, Francisco Cribari <cribari@de.ufpe.br>, Francisco Cysneiros <cysneiros@de.ufpe.br>, Mario de Castro <mcastro@icmc.usp.br>, Jose A Diaz <jadiazg@ugr.es>, José Antonio Díaz García <jadiaz@uaaan.mx>, Jose Garrido <garrido@mathstat.concordia.ca>, "Marc G. Genton" <genton@stat.tamu.edu>, Patricia Gimenez <pcgimene@mdp.edu.ar>, Graciela Gonzalez-Farias <chelamami@gmail.com>, Eduardo Gutiérrez <eduardo@sigma.iimas.unam.mx>, Nikolai Kolev <nkolev@ime.usp.br>, Brunero Liseo <brunero.liseo@gmail.com>, Shuangzhe Liu <Shuangzhe.Liu@canberra.edu.au>, "Rosangela H. Loschi" <loschi@est.ufmg.br>, "Anna C. Monti" <acmonti@unisannio.it>, Munir Ahmad <ceditor@pakjs.com>, Munir <drmunir@ncbae.edu.pk>, "Carlos D. Paulino" <dpaulino@math.ist.utl.pt>, Fernando Quintana <quintana@mat.puc.cl>, Josemar Rodrigues <vjosemar@power.ufscar.br>, Jose Maria Sarabia <sarabiaj@unican.es>, Jose Maria Sarabia Alegria <jose.sarabia@unican.es>, bustos@mate.uncor.edu

Dear ChJS Editors:

It is very pleasing to inform you that today, August 12, 2009, it is the official launch towards the world of the Chilean Journal of Statistics (ChJS). More details about the journal can be checked in its web page www.soche.cl/chjs. Let me tell you that this Chilean dream of having a statistical journal of international character should not be possible without the kind response and the important support that each of you have made.

Today begins a new stage for the statistics in Chile and all of you are an important part of this. The beginning will not be easy, but we trust that each of you will be able to collaborate with us in some way by catching articles in this first stage of the ChJS. Please do the major possible diffusion of the journal.

Please receive our great appreciation for being agreed to collaborate with the ChJS and our best whishes from Chile, where you will be always welcome,

Victor Leiva (on behalf of the editorial board)
Executive Editor
Chilean Journal of Statistics

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