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Re: [ABE-L]: Fwd: Erich Lehmann

Quando Lehmann fez 80 anos (1997) houve um jantar em sua homenagem em Berkeley - achei interessante esses dois pequenos discursos com menções a fatos e nomes que muitos desta lista conhecem...

abrçs, lisbeth


Reminiscences by Charles Stein

"When I came to Berkeley in 1947 after finishing the work for my Ph.D. at Columbia University I shared an office with Evelyn Fix, Joe Hodges, and Erich Lehmann. All of us discussed our work but somehow Erich and I started to work together in a fairly systematic way on special cases of the theory of testing hypotheses as it had been developed by Neyman and Pearson, Wald, and others. This collaboration led to our first paper on testing hypotheses and one on non-parametric tests. Erich continued to work hard in these directions, leading to influential books on the subjects. We also worked on a rather technical point concerning completeness in the sequential case and, somewhat later, we wrote a paper on optimum properties of tests invariant under the one-dimensional translation group, part of a field I had been interested in for a long time. At the end of the first year, Erich, Joe, Abraham Wald and I went on a walking trip in Yosemite, preceded by some practice hikes in the Bay Area on which we were joined by R.C. Bose. Except for some short trips with nearly the whole department, this was my introduction to the mountains.

After I left Berkeley in 1949, I found it difficult to get back into the habit of working alone, but eventually had some success in working on the problem of estimating the mean of a multivariate normal distribution, and in other, mostly negative results on optimum properties of invariant tests. Later I drifted more into probability theory. The field of statistics has changed a great deal in these fifty years, and I think that Erich has adjusted better to these changes than I have."

Reminiscences by Joe Hodges

"When I was invited to make some remarks at this dinner I declined. My memory has become so bad that I would be sure to make mistakes. But David Blackwell straightened me out. 'Just stick to the early days' he said, 'and only Erich will spot your mistakes, and he is too polite to mention them'. So here goes.

I was introduced to Erich on the steps of Wheeler Hall in the very early 1940's &emdash; I won't pretend to know the date. We were both math students and drifted toward Jerzy Neyman. We became friends and I lived in Erich's house.

Then there was an unpleasantness at Pearl Harbor, and we found ourselves sharing a smaller accommodation, a tent on Guam. One of my most vivid memories of those days is climbing the mountain on Iwo Jima a few days after the famous flag photo was taken there, but I'm not sure that Erich was along on that particular outing.

We finally persuaded General LeMay to take our advice and the war came to an end. Back in Berkeley, we got degrees, taught fortunate students, wrote lots of joint papers (and even a long-forgotten text book), edited journals, got promoted, and eventually achieved emeritus status &emdash; if I remember the Latin correctly, ex mereri means "fresh out of merit". Erich was always in the lead, and reached 80 first. I hope you will all join me here for supper in four years.

Thus my friendship with Erich has gone for nearly sixty years. It has been one of the most pleasant things in my life.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rogerio Porto" <rdporto1@gmail.com>
To: <abe-l@ime.usp.br>
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 9:55 PM
Subject: [ABE-L]: Fwd: Erich Lehmann

Repassando notícia sobre o falecimento
do Prof. Erich Lehmann.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <bickel@stat.berkeley.edu>
Date: Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 11:26 AM
Subject: Erich Lehmann
To: faculty@stat.berkeley.edu, grads@stat.berkeley.edu,

Dear colleagues,

Please join Julie and the rest of his family and the many of us who knew
him,admired and loved him , in mourning the passing of Erich Lehmann,,,a
great statistician and a great man. He died this morning ,Saturday,
September 10th,2009 a few days after deciding that he wanted hospice
care at home.


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