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Fw: ISBA Meetings Information : October 2009

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From: "ISBA" <members-info@bayesian.org>
To: "Alexandra Schmidt" <alex@im.ufrj.br>
Sent: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 09:01:19 -0400
Subject: ISBA Meetings Information : October 2009 

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URLs will appear as numbered footnotes.

	ISBA News & Updates on ISBA Related Meetings
 October 2009

	* _ISBA Regional Meeting in March 2010, Rio de Janeiro:_ EBEB 10 [1]
 Organized by ISBrA, the Brazilian Local Chapter of ISBA, this is
the10th Bayesian 
 Statistics Brazilian Meeting. ISBA support includes travel grants
for several student
 and junior researchers to attend and participate. See the EBEB 10
web site for full details.

	* _ISBA supported meeting in March 2010, Texas, USA. _
 ISBA is supporting the conference on Frontiers of Statistical
Decision Making and Bayesian 
 Analysis, in honor of Jim Berger (past President of ISBA) . This is
the first ISBA supported 
 meeting for which ISBA is providing on-line registration services.
You can register on-line for 
 Frontiers by visiting the conference web site or going to Frontiers
on-line registration [2]

	* _ISBA World Meeting: ISBA 10 [3] in conjunction with Valencia 9
[4] in Spain, June 2010_. 
 Reminder: The deadline for paper and poster submissions is December
1st 2009 - see 
 details at the ISBA 10 web site linked above. Registration will be
available soon.

	* _ISBA Co-sponsored meeting in January 2011, Utah, USA: _: MCMSki
III [5]
 The latest in the series of IMS-ISBA meetings, ISBA is providing
funds for student and 
 junior researchers to attend and participate. Visit the MCMSki web
site for full details.

 Best wishes, 
 ISBA, Program Council
 October 2009 

 If you wish not to receive such emails in the future, click here [6]


[1] http://www.dme.ufrj.br/ebebx/
[2] https://members.bayesian.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&amp;id=6
[3] http://bayesian.org/events/isba2010/
[4] http://bayesian.org/events/valencia/valenciam.html
[5] http://madison.byu.edu/mcmski/
------- End of Forwarded Message -------

Alexandra Mello Schmidt, PhD
Professora Adjunta
Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
Caixa Postal 68530 Rio de Janeiro - RJ 
CEP:21.945-970 Brasil
Tel: 0055 21 2562 7505 Ramal (Extension) 204
Fax: 0055 21 2562 7374

Cash your dreams before they slip away.  Lose your dreams and you lose your 
mind (From the "God of Small things").
Gentileza gera gentileza (Profeta Gentileza)


This email is best viewed in html. If reading in text, the embedded URLs will appear as numbered footnotes.

ISBA News & Updates on ISBA Related Meetings
October 2009

Best wishes,
ISBA, Program Council
October 2009

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