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Conferência do Prof. Brian Francis

Caros colegas,
Tenho o prazer de anunciar a conferência do Prof.
 Brian Francis - Professor of Social Statistics and Director,
National Centre for Research Methods Lancaster-Warwick


Tema: Criminal Career specialisation for Female offenders

 – a latent Markov approach

Dia 07 de Junho de 2010  às  10:00h


Abstract: This talk explores the issue of specialisation in criminal history data – do offenders tend to commit the same crimes over their criminal career? We discuss statistical approaches that have been taken to this problem, and propose an alternative – lifestyle specialisation – which proposes that offenders select which crimes to become involved in at specific points in their career. A latent class model for offending is proposed with transit points at specific ages. This leads to a latent Markov model or latent transition approach, which allows offenders to move between different criminal lifestyles at specific points in time. The methodology is illustrated on female offending patterns using the publically available Offenders Index data of England and Wales.



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Dirley Moreira dos Santos

Departamento de Estatística

Universidade Federal Fluminense

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