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[Fwd: Workshop on R Programming and Mixtures]

Título: Workshop on R Programming and Mixtures
Data: 15/12/2010 (das 9 as 12h e das 14 as 17h)
1. A computer R lab on "Programming",
2. Finite Mixtures and EM algorithm
3. A computer R lab on "Programming", to implement EM algorithm
(for a finite Gaussian mixture) and to apply it on a simple data set.

- Jochen Einbeck (Department of Mathematical Sciences
Durham University, England)
- John Hinde (Mathematics Department, National University of Ireland,
Galway, Irlanda)

Coordenadora: Clarice G.B. Demétrio

Inscrições: Solange Sabadin (sapsabad@esalq.usp.br)
Eduardo Bonilha (edboni@esalq.usp.br)
Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo,
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phone: 55 19 34294144 R216

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948

Solange de Assis Paes Sabadin
Secretária do LCE/ESALQ/USP
Av. Pádua Dias, 11
Fone: 19-34294144 - ramal 220
CEP - 13418-900 - Piracicaba, SP

Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo,
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phone: 55 19 34294144 R216

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948

Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo,
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phone: 55 19 34294144 R216

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948

Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo,
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phone: 55 19 34294144 R216

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Clarice G.B. Demetrio <clarice@esalq.usp.br>
Date: 2010/9/27
Subject: Para ordem do dia
To: sapsabad@esalq.usp.br

Título: Workshop on R Programming
Data: 15/12/2010 (das 9 as 12h e das 14 as 17h)
1. A computer R lab on "Programming",
2. Finite Mixtures and EM algorithm
3. A computer R lab on "Programming", to implement EM algorithm
(for a finite Gaussian mixture) and to apply it on a simple data set.

- Jochen Einbeck (Department of Mathematical Sciences
Durham University, England)
- John Hinde (Mathematics Department, National University of Ireland,
Galway, Irlanda)

Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo,
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phone: 55 19 34294144 R216

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948

Solange de Assis Paes Sabadin
Secretária do LCE/ESALQ/USP
Av. Pádua Dias, 11
Fone: 19-34294144 - ramal 220
CEP - 13418-900 - Piracicaba, SP
Oi Clarice,

tudo bem?

John and me have thought a little bit what we could do in our little "programming course", and we have come up with the following:

  1. A computer R lab on "Programming" (say, 75-90 minutes), in which  I do some basics with them (and also provide the tools that they need for 3.)
  2. A lecture  about Finite Mixtures +EM
  3. Another  computer lab (say, 75-90 min.) in which they try to implement the simplest form of EM (for a finite Gaussian mixture) themselves, and apply it on a simple data set.

I would do part 1 and 3, and John would do part 2.

John said he was going to give a seminar anyway, so it may be efficient to use  his part 2 as "the seminar".

Does that sound reasonable?

My preferred day to do this would be the 15th of December, and that would be fine for John too. Would that date suit you and your students?

All the best,


Dr Jochen Einbeck
Lecturer in Statistics
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Durham University
South Road
Science Laboratories
Durham City, DH1 3LE, UK

Tel  +44 191 3343125
Fax +44 191 3343051