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Seminários de Estatística conjunto: SME/ICMC-USP e D.Est / UFSCar - 25/03/2011

Divulgando: Seminários de Estatística conjunto: SME/ICMC-USP e D.Est / UFSCar - 25/03/2011

"Robust estimation in Time Series with different correlation structures and additive outliers"

Palestrante: Prof. PhD. Valderio Anselmo Reisen
Instituição: Departamento de Estatística - UFES

Data: 25/03/2011
Hora: 14:00
Local: Auditório do ICMC

Resumo: A desirable property of an autocovariance estimator is to be robust to the presence of additive outliers. It is well-known that the sample autocovariance, based on the moments, does not own this property. Hence, the definition of an autocovariance estimator which is robust to additive outlier can be very useful for time-series modelling. In this paper, some asymptotic properties of the robust scale and autocovariance estimators proposed by Ma & Genton (2000) is studied and applied to time series with different correlation structures and, also, applied to periodic processes.

Marinho G Andrade
SME- ICMC- USP - São Carlos / SP.