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Fwd: The Heritage Health Prize has launched!

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From: Jeff Moser | Kaggle <jeff.moser@kaggle.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 12:55 AM
Subject: The Heritage Health Prize has launched!
To: *|FNAME|* <dpianto@gmail.com>

Kaggle Update
Tuesday, 5th April 2011


We're thrilled to announce the launch of the Heritage Health Prize, a $3 million competition to predict who will go to hospital and for how long.
So as not to overwhelm anyone, we will be releasing the data in three waves. Today's launch allows people to register and download the first instalment, which includes enough data for people to start trying out models. It includes claims data from Y1, information on members and the details of hospitalizations recorded in Y2.  
The next instalment will be released on May 4 and will involve the release a more comprehensive dataset, including claims for later years as well as the test dataset against which entries will be judged. It is at this point that we will open up the competition to entries, reveal the performance threshold and begin posting the leaderboard. 
Finally, the last release happens on June 4 and will include some ancillary data of prescriptions and lab tests.
Kaggle members don't sign up again. To register, simply login and accept the rules before downloading the data.

Finally the the Twitter hashtag for the competition is #drflix. Help spread the word.  
Best of luck everyone!
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