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Fwd: RE: Irish Aid support for YSI2011 at the ISI World Statistics Congress in Dublin 2011

----- Mensagem encaminhada de peter@stat.washington.edu -----
    Data: Tue, 05 Apr 2011 21:52:24 -0700
    De: Peter Guttorp <peter@stat.washington.edu>
Assunto: Fwd: RE: Irish Aid support for YSI2011 at the ISI World Statistics Congress in Dublin 2011 Para: "Alexandra M. Schmidt" <alex@im.ufrj.br>, assuncao@est.ufmg.br, Nancy Garcia <nancy@ime.unicamp.br>, Pedro Morettin <pam@ime.usp.br>, Lelys Bravo <lelysbravo@gmail.com>, "Carriquiry, Alicia L [STAT]" <alicia@iastate.edu>, landim@impa.br

     Apparently I am supposed to advertise this (see the link below).
(I just thought I was offering money...)
Anyway, could you please spread the word about YSI 2011, the meeting
for young statisticians before the ISI World Congress. There is some
money for travel from the Americas (particularly Latin America), but
the deadline is quite short so this needs to get out quickly.

-------- Original Message --------

	Subject: RE: Irish Aid support for YSI2011 at the ISI World
Statistics Congress in Dublin 2011
	Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 20:09:07 +0100
	From: John Haslett <JHASLETT@tcd.ie>
	To: Peter Guttorp <peter@stat.washington.edu>

Sorry. To be clear; WE are organising African publicity for the Irish
Aid monies.

But there is a parallel competition for TIES money; see
It's to be advertised (by you?) in the Americas. Right?


From: Peter Guttorp [peter@stat.washington.edu]
Sent: 05 April 2011 17:50
To: John Haslett
Subject: Re: Irish Aid support for YSI2011 at the ISI World
Statistics Congress in Dublin 2011

No, I am still expecting something from you.

John Haslett wrote:

You have organised a bit of publicity about this, I imagine


From: Peter Guttorp [mailto:peter@stat.washington.edu]
Sent: 08 March 2011 3:43
To: John Haslett
Subject: Re: Irish Aid support for YSI2011 at the ISI World
Statistics Congress in Dublin 2011

North, South and Central America and the Caribbeans.
Yes, please acknowledge as TIES.

John Haslett wrote:
Thanks Peter

Forgive me for asking, but is the âAmericasâ a well-defined term that
all will understand? Shall we acknowledge it as TIES?

Shabani in the ISI will look after the admin; Iâll get Shabani to
invoice you via Vickie. OK?

To supplement a general announcement of the âcompetitionâ, Iâm in the
process of âadvertisingâ in these African countries by identifying
people there who can help us to bring it to the attention of the right

Do you think we need to do something similar in your case?

Iâll send you something before the announcement goes public â in a
few days


From: Peter Guttorp [mailto:peter@stat.washington.edu]
Sent: 08 March 2011 3:26
To: John Haslett
Subject: Re: Irish Aid support for YSI2011 at the ISI World
Statistics Congress in Dublin 2011

We have a preference for the Americas. You need to send an invoice to

Vickie Graybeal
Department of Statistics
Box 354322
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-4322

Yes, please acknowledge TIES.

John Haslett wrote:

We have about Euro 30k funding; 25 from Irish Aid and some more from
you. Iâm working with Arnoldo to create a âcompetitionâ.

The Irish Aid monies are necessarily specific to certain countries.
But your money is not necessarily so. How would you like me to
Plus, how would you like me to acknowledge your funding? â as TIES?


From: John Haslett
Sent: 04 March 2011 2:13
To: 'Pali Lehohla'; 'Lucky Ngwenya'; 'Delia North'; 'Tim Dunne';
Cc: 'Krimpen, mevr. mr A.N. van'; 'Shabani Mehta'; 'Claire Gormley';
'victor.panaretos@epfl.ch<mailto:victor.panaretos@epfl.ch>'; 'Siobhan
Carey'; 'Peter Guttorp'; 'Wasserstein, Ronald L.'; Arnoldo; 'Murtagh,
Subject: Irish Aid support for YSI2011 at the ISI World Statistics
Congress in Dublin 2011

Dear Pali, Lucky, Delia, Tim, Jackie in South Africa and others

We are delighted to announce the support of Irish Aid
http://www.irishaid.gov.ie/ for those travelling from Africa to the
Young Stats meeting YSI 2011
http://www.scss.tcd.ie/conferences/YSI2011/. The countries where Irish
Aid is active are Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, South
Africa, Lesotho, Zambia and Sierra Leone.

As you will know, this is planned as a satellite meeting of the World
Statistics Congress in Dublin in August http://www.isi2011.ie. This in
turn is a creature of the International Statistical Institute; see
http://www.isi2011.ie/content/home/about-the-isi.html. The 2009
meeting was held in Durban http://www.statssa.gov.za/isi2009/. One of
the important foci in Durban was Young African Statisticians; see
http://www.statssa.gov.za/ycs/focus.htm. The ISIbalo Capacity Building
Programme http://www.statssa.gov.za/ycs/about_isibalo.htm is a legacy
of the 2009 meeting. YSI 2011 â and most specifically the involvement
of Irish Aid - is also a legacy.

We anticipate 2500 or so and the Congress, and fully anticipate
representation there by the National Statistical Institutes (NSIs;
equiv of the CSO) of most of the countries in which Irish Aid is
involved. We anticipate 200 or so at the YSI meeting, and hope that
this will include 30 -50 young Africans. With the support of Irish Aid
we have about
Euro 30k to support travel to Dublin to attend both meetings. The ISI
itself has similar funding from World Bank sources; some of that will
finish up in Africa, and some of the recipients will be âyoungâ .
(There is no precise definition of âyoungâ; if you feel âyoungâ ...)

We could use the Irish Aid funding at (say) Euro 2000 each; or it can
be customised to the (budget) travel costs of each. It could be
âpartial supportâ if the circumstances are right. The âtarget groupâ
comprises early career statisticians â including postgraduate

Our immediate and urgent need â following the Irish Aid decision â is
to identify applicants in these countries, or to identify those who
could help us identify such applicants. We have other channels also,
especially via the NSIs via the ISI. Our channels to Statistics South
Africa are reasonably well developed, and I know several of you in the
SA universities.

The precise details of the competition will be announced very
shortly. It would be most useful if you were able to help us identify
candidates. If in addition you are aware of opportunities where we
could partially fund delegates, with support from elsewhere. The
funding is limited, and not all of it can go to any one country. I
would not wish to raise false expectations.

The precise details will be announced very shortly.

John Haslett

Chair Local Prog Comm, ISI World Statistics Congress, Dublin 2011

Member, LOC, Young Stats Meeting YSI 2011




Peter Guttorp

Professor, Department of Statistics

Researcher, Norwegian Computing Center

Box 354322, University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98195-4322

Phone: 206-685-4936

Fax: 206-685-7419




Peter Guttorp

Professor, Department of Statistics

Researcher, Norwegian Computing Center

Box 354322, University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98195-4322

Phone: 206-685-4936

Fax: 206-685-7419


Peter Guttorp
Professor, Department of Statistics
Researcher, Norwegian Computing Center
Box 354322, University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-4322
Phone: 206-685-4936
Fax: 206-685-7419

----- Final da mensagem encaminhada -----

Pedro Morettin <pam@ime.usp.br>