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Fw: 3rd Latin American Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, Pucon, Chile October 2011

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: Jose M Bernardo <jose.m.bernardo@uv.es>
Sent: Mon, 16 May 2011 09:29:45 +0200
Subject: 3rd Latin American Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, Pucon, Chile
October 2011

From: Francisco Torres <francisco.torres@usach.cl>
Date: May 14, 2011 
Second Announcement

3rd Latin American Meeting on Bayesian Statistics

(3er Congreso Bayesiano de América Latina - COBAL)


XXXVIII National Meeting of Statistics

(XXXVIII Jornadas Nacionales de Estadística - JNE)

The 3rd Latin American Meeting on Bayesian Statistics and the XXXVIII National
(Chilean) Meeting of Statistics, organized by the Universidad de Santiago de
Chile in collaboration with several national universities, will take place on
October 23-27, 2011, at the exotic and beautiful southern city  of Pucón -
Chile (http://www.visitpucon.com/).

The main goals of this joint event are to facilitate the exchange of recent
research developments in Statistical methodology and theoretical developments
(Bayesian for COBAL - Miscellaneous for JNE), to establish new collaborations
and partnerships among attendants, and finally, to provide opportunities for
students and researchers to share ideas and discuss Statistical methods.

Scientific Committee

Rosangela Loschi [Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil]
Alicia Carriquiri [Iowa State University, USA] 
Carlos Alberto de Bragança Pereira [Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil]
Eduardo Gutiérrez [Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico] 
Manuel Mendoza [Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de Mexico]
Dani Gamerman [Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]
Reinaldo Arellano-Valle [Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile]
Víctor Hugo Salinas [Universidad de Santiago de Chile]


Confirmed Invited Speakers are

Trevor Hastie [Stanford University, USA]
Peter Muller [University of Texas, Austin, USA] 
Fabrizio Ruggeri [CNR - IMATI, Italia]
Wilfredo Palma [Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile] 
Fernando Quintana [Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile]
Jean-Michel Marin [Université Montpellier II, France] 
Alexandra Schmidt [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil]
Ramsés Mena [Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México] 
Sujit Ghosh [North Carolina State University, USA ]

There will be thematic sessions related to Identifiability, Biostatistics and
Bayesian Foundations, as well as an AMSBI (Applied Stochastic Modeling in
Business and Industry) discussion paper session".

A confirmed mini-course relates to specific topics on "Bayesian Item Response
Modeling". Tentatively, the second one is entitled "Measurement Error Modeling"

The thematic sessions will include a "Young Statisticians session" for
doctoral students in the final stage of their thesis work, or young
researchers, who want to share and show their more recent developments.
Doctoral students can apply to partial funding, following the directions
included in the "Grants for Students" page

There will also be oral communications and poster sessions for contributed papers.

The conference  website http://cobal2011.usach.cl has just been updated to
include the complete Programme.
Available from the website.  For foreign attendants, it is important to be
registered before the deadline. They may make their payments the first day of
the meeting.

30/06/2011: Deadline for submission of oral and poster contributions
30/07/2011: Notification of accepted works
15/07/2011: Deadline for registration with discount
27/12/2011: Deadline for submission of manuscripts to the Chilean Journal of
Statistics (ChJS)
28/02/2012: Notification of accepted papers
Universidad de la Frontera, sede Pucón, 
Caupolicán 78, Pucón - Chile

Welcome Cocktail and Social Dinner 
Gran Hotel Pucón
Clemente Holzapfel 190, Pucón.
Fono: 56 (45) 913300

Meeting email
Meeting website
We are looking forward to seeing you in Pucón!

The Valencia Mailing List contains about 2,000 entries of people interested in
Bayesian Statistics. 
It was set to send information about the Valencia International Meetings on
Bayesian Statistics,
and other material of interest to the Bayesian community.

Valencia 9, held in June 2010, was the last Valencia Meeting. The list will
remain operative until
the corresponding Proceedings "Bayesian Statistics 9", to be published by
Oxford University Press,
are finalized. The list will then be merged with the list operated by ISBA,
the International Society for Bayesian Analysis.

In the meantime, you may still send relevant information to the list by
sending a text only message to
valencialist@listserv.uv.es. This will then be sent to Jose M. Bernardo for
approval, and then distributed to the list.

If you receive this message, then you are on the Valencia List.
1. If you use an anti-spam programme, please let <valencialist@listserv.uv.es> in.
2. If you want to be deleted from the list, please reply "unsubscribe"
3. If we are not using your preferred e-mail address, please reply and specify
both the obsolete address to be deleted and the new address to be used.

Valencia Meetings Mailing List
c/o Prof. Dr. Jose M. Bernardo
Universidad de Valencia
------- End of Forwarded Message -------

Alexandra Mello Schmidt, PhD
Diretora Adjunta Pos-Graduacao do IM
Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
Caixa Postal 68530 Rio de Janeiro - RJ 
CEP:21.945-970 Brasil
Tel: 0055 21 2562 7505 Ramal (Extension) 204
Fax: 0055 21 2562 7374

Cash your dreams before they slip away.  Lose your dreams and you lose your 
mind (From the "God of Small things").
Gentileza gera gentileza (Profeta Gentileza)

From: Francisco Torres <francisco.torres@usach.cl>
Date: May 14, 2011 

Second Announcement

3rd Latin American Meeting on Bayesian Statistics

(3er Congreso Bayesiano de América Latina - COBAL)


(XXXVIII Jornadas Nacionales de Estadística - JNE)

The 3rd Latin American Meeting on Bayesian Statistics and the XXXVIII National (Chilean) Meeting of Statistics, organized by the Universidad de Santiago de Chile in collaboration with several national universities, will take place on October 23-27, 2011, at the exotic and beautiful southern city  of Pucón - Chile (http://www.visitpucon.com/).

The main goals of this joint event are to facilitate the exchange of recent research developments in Statistical methodology and theoretical developments (Bayesian for COBAL - Miscellaneous for JNE), to establish new collaborations and partnerships among attendants, and finally, to provide opportunities for students and researchers to share ideas and discuss Statistical methods. 

Scientific Committee

Rosangela Loschi [Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil]
Alicia Carriquiri [Iowa State University, USA] 
Carlos Alberto de Bragança Pereira [Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil]
Eduardo Gutiérrez [Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico] 
Manuel Mendoza [Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de Mexico]
Dani Gamerman [Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

Reinaldo Arellano-Valle [Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile]
Víctor Hugo Salinas [Universidad de Santiago de Chile]


Confirmed Invited Speakers are 

Trevor Hastie [Stanford University, USA]
Peter Muller [University of Texas, Austin, USA] 
Fabrizio Ruggeri [CNR - IMATI, Italia]
Wilfredo Palma [Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile] 
Fernando Quintana [Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile]
Jean-Michel Marin [Université Montpellier II, France] 
Alexandra Schmidt [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil]
Ramsés Mena [Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México] 
Sujit Ghosh [North Carolina State University, USA ]

There will be thematic sessions related to Identifiability, Biostatistics and Bayesian Foundations, as well as an AMSBI (Applied Stochastic Modeling in Business and Industry) discussion paper session".

A confirmed mini-course relates to specific topics on "Bayesian Item Response Modeling". Tentatively, the second one is entitled "Measurement Error Modeling"

The thematic sessions will include a "Young Statisticians session" for doctoral students in the final stage of their thesis work, or young researchers, who want to share and show their more recent developments. Doctoral students can apply to partial funding, following the directions included in the "Grants for Students" page (

There will also be oral communications and poster sessions for contributed papers.

The conference  website 
http://cobal2011.usach.cl has just been updated to include the complete Programme.


Available from the website.  For foreign attendants, it is important to be registered before the deadline. They may make their payments the first day of the meeting.


  • 30/06/2011: Deadline for submission of oral and poster contributions

  • 30/07/2011: Notification of accepted works

  • 15/07/2011: Deadline for registration with discount

  • 27/12/2011: Deadline for submission of manuscripts to the Chilean Journal of Statistics (ChJS)

  • 28/02/2012: Notification of accepted papers

Universidad de la Frontera, sede Pucón, 
Caupolicán 78, Pucón - Chile

Welcome Cocktail and Social Dinner 

Gran Hotel Pucón

Clemente Holzapfel 190, Pucón.
Fono: 56 (45) 913300


Meeting email


Meeting website


We are looking forward to seeing you in Pucón!

The Valencia Mailing List contains about 2,000 entries of people interested in Bayesian Statistics. 
It was set to send information about the Valencia International Meetings on Bayesian Statistics,
and other material of interest to the Bayesian community.

Valencia 9, held in June 2010, was the last Valencia Meeting. The list will remain operative until
the corresponding Proceedings "Bayesian Statistics 9", to be published by Oxford University Press,
are finalized. The list will then be merged with the list operated by ISBA, the International Society for Bayesian Analysis.

In the meantime, you may still send relevant information to the list by sending a text only message to
valencialist@listserv.uv.es. This will then be sent to Jose M. Bernardo for approval, and then distributed to the list.

If you receive this message, then you are on the Valencia List.
1. If you use an anti-spam programme, please let <valencialist@listserv.uv.es> in.
2. If you want to be deleted from the list, please reply "unsubscribe"
3. If we are not using your preferred e-mail address, please reply and specify both the obsolete address to be deleted and the new address to be used.

Valencia Meetings Mailing List
c/o Prof. Dr. Jose M. Bernardo
Universidad de Valencia