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Call for Special Topic Sessions at ISBA 2012

Caros Colegas,

Como Past-Chair do Program Committee da ISBA peco a atencao de voces para a
chamada (texto abaixo) para organizacao de "Special Topic Sessions" para o
ISBA 2012.

Um bom final de semana a todos!

This is your chance to participate!  
The Program Committee of ISBA 2012 invites submissions of proposals for
special topic sessions for the ISBA 2012 World Meeting in Kyto, Japan to be
held from June 25, 2012 to June 29, 2012. 

Organizing a special topic session is easy and is a great way for new (and
established) researchers to become involved!

Each session should consist of 4 talks of 25 minutes with a common theme. The
proposal should include

    * the title of the session
    * a brief description (session abstract)
    * the list of 4 speakers

Session proposals should be sent to isba2012@e.u-tokyo.ac.jp by September
18th, 2011.

Details about support for junior presenters will be finalized in late 2011.

We encourage everyone to  check out the conference website 
http://www2.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~isba2012/ or see the ISBA 2012  News links on the
ISBA site (http://bayesian.org) for updates regarding the meeting.  The
preliminary program with invited sessions is now available.

The ISBA 2012 Program Committee