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ISBA 2012 Call for Posters

Caros Colegas,

A organizacao do ISBA 2012, o encontro mundial, da International Society for
Bayesian Analysis, que acontecera em Kyoto, acaba de lancar o anuncio para
submissao de posters.

Os detalhes estao na mensagem abaixo.

Desculpem-me pela enventual postagem multipla.


---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: "ISBA 2012" <program-council@bayesian.org>
To: Alexandra Schmidt <alex@im.ufrj.br>
Sent: Wed, 02 Nov 2011 13:15:26 -0400
Subject: ISBA 2012 Call for Posters

The ISBA 2012 World Meeting - the premier conference of the International
Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) - will be held in Kyoto, Japan, from June
25 to June 29, 2012.  The Program Committee of ISBA 2012 invites proposals for
poster presentations,  which are always a major highlight of ISBA meetings!
Proposals should be submitted through the online form at
http://bayesian.org/node/add/isba-abstract by February 28th, 2012. Decisions
will be made and selected presenters  notified soon after the deadline.  All
papers, accepted  for poster presentation and publication in the ISBA 2012
Special Issue of Bayesian Analysis, will be eligible for the Lindley Prize
(for further details on the prize see

The current program (with the exception of posters) may be found at

We are looking forward to seeing everyone in Kyoto!

ISBA 2012 Program Committee