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CIARP 2012 - Buenos Aires

                                      FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS
           The 17th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition CIARP 2012
           September 3-6, 2012 -- Buenos Aires, Argentina
           Paper submission: March 16, 2012
Dear Colleagues
The 17th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition CIARP 2012 will
beheld in Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 3-6, 2012, and is
organized bythe Argentine Society for Pattern Recognition (SARP).
This conference is a forum for the presentation of technological
advancesand research results in the fields of theoretical and applied
patternrecognition, for the exchange of scientific results and
experiences, andfor the growth of the co-operation between research
This conference is supported by the following scientific
associations:International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR),
CubanAssociation for Pattern Recognition (ACPR), Mexican Association
forComputer Vision, Neural Computing and Robotics (MACVNR),
PortugueseAssociation for Pattern Recognition (APRP), Spanish
Association forPattern Recognition and Image Analysis (AERFAI),
Special Interest Group onPattern Recognition of the Brazilian Computer
Society (SIGPR-SBC), ChileanAssociation for Pattern Recognition
(AChiRP) and Argentine Association forPattern Recognition (SARP).
As in previous years, at the CIARP Conference about 200 contributions
willbe presented. The program committee will evaluate papers for
technicalquality, merit, novelty and clarity of presentation.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:• Applications of
Pattern Recognition• Artificial Intelligence Techniques in PR•
Bioinformatics• Clustering• Cognitive Humanoid Vision• Computer
Vision• Data Mining• DB, Knowledge Bases and Linguistic Tools•
Discrete Geometry• Document Processing and Recognition• Fuzzy and
Hybrid Techniques in PR• Image Coding, Processing and Analysis• Kernel
Machines• Logical Combinatorial PR• Mathematical Morphology•
Mathematical Theory of PR• Medical Imaging• Natural Language
Processing and PR• Neural Networks for PR• Parallel and Distributed
PR• Pattern Recognition Principles• Robotics & Remote Sensing
Applications of PR• Shape and Texture Analysis• Signal Processing and
Analysis• Special Hardware Architectures• Statistical Pattern
Recognition• Syntactical and Structural Pattern Recognition• Video
analysis• Voice and Speech Recognition
Paper Submission:
Prospective authors are invited to contribute to the conference
byelectronically submitting a full paper in English of no more than 8
pagesincluding illustrations, results and references.
They will be requested to submit their papers electronically through
theconference website before March 16th, 2012.
The accepted papers will be included in the proceedings of the
CIARP'2012,which will be published by Springer in the LectureNotes in
Computer Science - LNCS series.
The papers should be prepared following the instructions from
SpringerLNCS series available
At least one of the authors must have registered for the paper to bepublished.
Currently, conversations are been held in order to publish selected
papersin an international
important notice: IPOL Publication of Algorithms!!
The submitted papers can be complemented by a submission to the
onlinejournal IPOL (Image Processing on Line, ISSN: 2105-1232). The
evaluationsof the submissions to CIARP 2012 and to IPOL will be
independent, butcoordinated.
To submit to Image Processing on Line, authors are requested to
furnish avery explicit and complete algorithm description in a .pdf
document, andto prepare an autonomous C or C++ code implementing this
algorithm.Authors must also conceive how their algorithm will be
demonstrated online, which may imply some restrictions on the input
data and on theexecution time. The referees for IPOL are invited to
check the fulladequacy of the code with its description, to achieve
standards ofreproducible research.
For more details  please go to http://www.ipol.im/  to see some of
thepublished papers.
See also the IPOL C software
• Deadline for paper submission March 16, 2012• Notification of paper
acceptance May 18th 2012• Camera ready papers and author registration
June 15th 2012
Conference Location:
CIARP2012 will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
CIARP2012 will offer several tutorials courses in selected
patternrecognition topics.  The tutorials are addressed to all CIARP
participantswho are interested in these topics. Final information
about the tutorialswill be given as the advance program
URL: www.ciarp.orgContact: ciarp2012@dc.uba.ar
General Co-Chairs
Luis Alvarez León and Luis Gómez Déniz, Universidad de Las Palmas de
GranCanaria, SpainMarta E. Mejail and Julio Jacobo, Universidad de
Buenos Aires
Organizing Committee
Julio Jacobo, María Elena Buemi, Norberto Goussies, Daniel
Acevedo,Marcelo Mottalli, Francisco Gómez Fernandez, Sebastián Ubalde,
MartaMejailUniversity of Buenos Aires, ArgentinaMariano Tepper,
University of Minnesota, USA
Steering Committee:
• Alberto Sanfeliu, AERFAI Espana• Alvaro Pardo, APRU Uruguay• Cesar
Beltran-Castanon, PAPR Peru• César Enrique San Martín Salas, UDEC
Chile• Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, MACVNR Mexico• Jose Ruiz-Shulcloper,
ACRP Cuba• Marta Mejail, SARP Argentina• Miguel Sanches, APRP
Portugal• Olga Regina Pereira Bellon, SIGPR-SBC Brasil
Alejandro C. Frery
Maceió, AL - Brazil