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Minicurso e seminario (novo titulo) por Bent Jorgensen

Caros colegas,
O prof. Bent Jorgensen (Department of Mathematics and Computer
Science, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark)
está visitando o Departamento de Ciências Exatas
da ESALQ/USP, no período de 02 a 28/01/2012, em um projeto FAPESP.
Nos dias
- 25/01 das 15 as 17h e
- 26/01 das 10 às 12h
ele irá ministrar o minicurso "Uma Revisão de Modelos Lineares Generalizados"

e no dia 26/01 das 15 às 16h irá proferir a palestra
"The Ecological Footprint of Taylor's Universal Power Law"
In 1961 L. R. Taylor proposed a power law for the relationship between
the spatial mean and variance of population abundance in biology,
which over time has been observed for a large number of species, as
well as in many other epidemiological, social and physical systems.
Many disparate explanations for the power law have been proposed in
the literature, but no consensus on their adequacy has emerged. We
review the historical background for the power law and some the
controversies surrounding it. We then turn to a possible theoretical
explanation based on the power variance functions of the so-called
Tweedie distributions, along with a new spatial self-similarity
hypothesis. The theory suggests that there are actually two separate
power laws in swing, one describing the spatial variance as a function
of population density, and the other involving the size of the sampled
area. This is confirmed empirically, and in turn leads us to propose a
new log-linear spatial modelling framework with long-range dependence,
which allows simultaneous estimation of the regression parameters and
the two power parameters. We discuss some of the possible
ramifications of these ideas for studying animal abundance data and
other spatial phenomena exhibiting clustering and long-range dependence.

Cordiais saudações,
New email address: clarice.demetrio@usp.br

Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo,
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
New email address: clarice.demetrio@usp.br
phone: 55 19 34294144 R216

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948