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Call for paper - Population Dynamics: Analysis, Modelling, Forecast


gostaria de repassar informação sobre a chamada 
de artigos para o International open-access e-journal
Population Dynamics: Analysis, Modelling, Forecast, 
um novo jornal cuja descrição e escopo encontram-se 
Favor, enviar submissões para Lev Nedorezov 
(University of Nova Gorica - Slovenia). 
Email:  l.v.nedorezov@gmail.com
I am writing to let you know about our upcoming 
First Issue of the International open-access e-journal
Population Dynamics: Analysis, Modelling, Forecast. 
The deadline for submission is November 04th, 2012. 
Manuscripts can be sent to Lev Nedorezov at 
Information and Scope
In various domains of modern science one can find 
the similar population processes with similar 
regulative mechanisms and with close goals of 
scientific investigations. In physics it can be 
populations of elementary particles in accelerator. 
In chemistry it can be a process of interaction of 
sets of molecules. 
In biophysics and biochemistry it can be processes 
of the growth of colony of cells, processes of 
ferment? substratum interaction etc. 
The similar processes we have in biology/ecology 
(populations of various animals and plants), in 
economics, demography, epidemiology, medicine 
(cancer growth, human health) and so on.
Moreover, for description and analysis of various 
population processes sometimes we use one and the 
same mathematical models (stochastic branching 
processes, ordinary differential equations, maps, 
partial differential equations?). 
We have one and the same goals: to determine a 
phase space structure and structure of space of 
model parameters, to estimate the probability of 
population extinction etc. And we have one and the 
same common problems: we want to find the best 
mathematical apparatus for the description of 
population processes, we want to have good methods 
for estimation of model parameters using population 
time series, we want to have good statistical 
criterions for the analysis of deviations between 
theory and experiment?
But in modern science we have rather artificial 
barriers and these barriers lead to appearance of 
non-correct situations. 
For example, it is not normal and common event if 
you found a paper in biological journal which is 
devoted to analysis of population process in physics 
of elementary particles. And it can be explained: 
if you want to present results in biological journal 
you have to explain what kind of biological problem 
you want to solve and what kind of biological results 
you got in a result of providing analysis. 
The inverse situation is obvious too: it is difficult 
to find pure biological paper in a journal which is 
devoted to physics of elementary particles.
In a result of it we have duplication or 
multiplication ofproviding scientific investigations, 
multiplication of names for one and the same equations  
and models, and, finally, total misunderstanding 
between each others. 
It is a good example: even in ecology (!) we have 
several names for one model of population dynamics 
with discrete time? Beverton? Holt model, Skellam 
model, Kostitzin model.
The main goal of new scientific open-access e-journal 
is following:
To bring together new results on population dynamics 
from various parts of modern science for better 
understanding between specialists from different 
scientific domains.
The journal is concerned with the use of mathematical 
models and data analysis for the description of 
various population processes. We aim to understand 
basic properties of population system functions using 
mathematical and conceptual modeling, systems analysis,
computer simulations, and scientific theories. The 
journal welcomes research articles, short 
communications, review articles.