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Re: [ABE-L]: Fw: In Memoriam Wolfgang Polasek

Ontem, esqueci de mencionar um fato importante a respeito do Wolfgang.
Ele teve a iniciativa de organizar em 1993 um congresso de Estatística
Bayesiana. Até ai nada demais mas... esse congresso foi em um cruzeiro 
(a bordo de um navio) no Rio Reno. O congresso teve inicio na Basiléia 
e terminou em Amsterdam! Naqueles tempos, a comunidade Bayesiana ainda 
era pequena mas aquele encontro deixou muitas lembranças inesquecíveis 
em todos que dele participaram.


> Gostaria de aproveitar a mensagem bem colocada do Dani e dizer que 
> Wolf era um grande amigo meu e me entristece muito saber do seu 
> falecimento.  Lembro-me da nossa primeira conversa num encontro 
> internacional Bayesiano, organizado pelo Dani no 2o semestre de 1993,
>  ou seja, 20 anos atras.  Ele se aproximou de mim e perguntou onde 
> ele poderia ir ver uma opera.  Eu respondi no meu ingles limitado 
> que talvez no Teatro Municipal.  Dai pra frente nos vimos em varios 
> encontros internacionais, alem de visita-lo por 2 semanas em 2006 no 
> Instituto de Estudos Avancados de Viena.  Um artigo seu, nao sei 
> porque nunca publicado, sobre a escolha do numero de fatores em 
> "factor analysis serviu de inspiracao para parte de minha tese de 
> doutorado. Rest in Peace Wolf.
> On Wed, 5 Jun 2013 12:04:00 -0300, Dani Gamerman wrote
> > repassando com tristeza...
> > 
> > Wolfgang teve contribuições importantes para Séries 
> > Temporais e Econometria. Ele era amante das coisas do 
> > Brasil, recebeu alguns de nós em seu instituto em Viena 
> > e esteve numa ESTE.
> > 
> > Dani
> > 
> > ---------- Forwarded Message -----------
> > From: jaradniemi <niemi@iastate.edu>
> > To: news@bayesian.org
> > Sent: Wed,  5 Jun 2013 10:17:35 -0400 (EDT)
> > Subject: In Memoriam Wolfgang Polasek
> > 
> > (passing the message along)
> > 
> > Wolfgang Polasek died on Thursday, May 23, 2013.
> > 
> > It is our sad duty to inform the members of the Austrian economics
> > community that Wolfgang Polasek passed away after a severe illness. 
> > He started his scientific career as an assistant at the Institute 
> > for Advanced Studies and the University of Vienna. He acquired his 
> > PhD in statistics in 1976 (his advisor was Franz Ferschl) and lectureship
> > (Habilitation) in econometrics and Bayesian statistics in 1982 at the
> > University of Vienna. From 1982 to 2002 he worked as a full professor
> > at the University of Basel and thereafter as a senior researcher at
> > the Institute for Advanced Studies. As part of his scientific
> > activities, he worked as a guest researcher and gave courses in many
> > leading universities in Europe, America and Asia (Southern 
> > California, Tokyo, British Columbia, UCLA, Canterbury in New Zealand,
> >  Santa Barbara, Humboldt University, Purdue, Melbourne etc.). He was 
> > much influenced by his joint work with Ed Leamer, UCLA. He was a prolific
> > writer with numerous publications, including outstanding successes
> > such as publications in Econometrica and Journal of the American
> > Statistical Association. In his later career, he also worked on more
> > policy related topics such as regional economics, traffic and
> > infrastructure, or deregulation. The Institute for Advanced Studies 
> > is grateful for his many contributions in teaching, basic and 
> > applied research. Wolfgang Polasek was well integrated in the 
> > international community and cultivated personal relationships with 
> > many leading researchers. He enjoyed organizing events, bringing 
> > people together and was an enthusiastic host. He was a critical and 
> > sometimes even inconvenient colleague and seminar organizer. He 
> > liked to scout new talents and promote younger researchers, but also 
> > insisted on discipline and courtesy. If somebody left a seminar 
> > early, he risked to get an Email â??I am quite astonished about your 
> > behaviorâ??. These positive contributions will dominate our memory 
> > of Wolfgang Polasek. Wolfgang Polasek leaves his wife Hanka, three 
> > children and three  grandchildren. The memorial service is scheduled 
> > for Thursday, June 6, at 12:45, Hietzinger Friedhof.
> > 
> > Prof. Christian Keuschnigg und Prof. Manfred Deistler, Wien, 30. Mai 
> > 2013
> > ------- End of Forwarded Message -------
> > 
> > *************************************************
> > Dani Gamerman
> > Depto. de Métodos Estatísticos (DME)
> > Lab. de Sistemas Estocásticos (LSE)
> > Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
> > http://www.dme.ufrj.br/dani
> > www.statpop.blogspot.com.br
> > fbook: StatPop, twitter: @blogStatPop
> > *************************************************
> Hedibert Freitas Lopes, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor                             
> Department of Statistical Methods
> Institute of Mathematics
> Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Dani Gamerman
Depto. de Métodos Estatísticos (DME)
Lab. de Sistemas Estocásticos (LSE)
Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
fbook: StatPop, twitter: @blogStatPop