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Re: [ABE-L]: Fw: In Memoriam Wolfgang Polasek

Gostaria de aproveitar a mensagem bem colocada do Dani e dizer que Wolf era um
grande amigo meu e me entristece muito saber do seu falecimento.  Lembro-me da
nossa primeira conversa num encontro internacional Bayesiano, organizado pelo
Dani no 2o semestre de 1993, ou seja, 20 anos atras.  Ele se aproximou de mim
e perguntou onde ele poderia ir ver uma opera.  Eu respondi no meu ingles
limitado que talvez no Teatro Municipal.  Dai pra frente nos vimos em varios
encontros internacionais, alem de visita-lo por 2 semanas em 2006 no Instituto
de Estudos Avancados de Viena.  Um artigo seu, nao sei porque nunca publicado,
sobre a escolha do numero de fatores em "factor analysis serviu de inspiracao
para parte de minha tese de doutorado. Rest in Peace Wolf.

On Wed, 5 Jun 2013 12:04:00 -0300, Dani Gamerman wrote
> repassando com tristeza...
> Wolfgang teve contribuições importantes para Séries 
> Temporais e Econometria. Ele era amante das coisas do 
> Brasil, recebeu alguns de nós em seu instituto em Viena 
> e esteve numa ESTE.
> Dani
> ---------- Forwarded Message -----------
> From: jaradniemi <niemi@iastate.edu>
> To: news@bayesian.org
> Sent: Wed,  5 Jun 2013 10:17:35 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: In Memoriam Wolfgang Polasek
> (passing the message along)
> Wolfgang Polasek died on Thursday, May 23, 2013.
> It is our sad duty to inform the members of the Austrian economics
> community that Wolfgang Polasek passed away after a severe illness. 
> He started his scientific career as an assistant at the Institute 
> for Advanced Studies and the University of Vienna. He acquired his 
> PhD in statistics in 1976 (his advisor was Franz Ferschl) and lectureship
> (Habilitation) in econometrics and Bayesian statistics in 1982 at the
> University of Vienna. From 1982 to 2002 he worked as a full professor
> at the University of Basel and thereafter as a senior researcher at
> the Institute for Advanced Studies. As part of his scientific
> activities, he worked as a guest researcher and gave courses in many
> leading universities in Europe, America and Asia (Southern 
> California, Tokyo, British Columbia, UCLA, Canterbury in New Zealand,
>  Santa Barbara, Humboldt University, Purdue, Melbourne etc.). He was 
> much influenced by his joint work with Ed Leamer, UCLA. He was a prolific
> writer with numerous publications, including outstanding successes
> such as publications in Econometrica and Journal of the American
> Statistical Association. In his later career, he also worked on more
> policy related topics such as regional economics, traffic and
> infrastructure, or deregulation. The Institute for Advanced Studies 
> is grateful for his many contributions in teaching, basic and 
> applied research. Wolfgang Polasek was well integrated in the 
> international community and cultivated personal relationships with 
> many leading researchers. He enjoyed organizing events, bringing 
> people together and was an enthusiastic host. He was a critical and 
> sometimes even inconvenient colleague and seminar organizer. He 
> liked to scout new talents and promote younger researchers, but also 
> insisted on discipline and courtesy. If somebody left a seminar 
> early, he risked to get an Email â??I am quite astonished about your 
> behaviorâ??. These positive contributions will dominate our memory 
> of Wolfgang Polasek. Wolfgang Polasek leaves his wife Hanka, three 
> children and three  grandchildren. The memorial service is scheduled 
> for Thursday, June 6, at 12:45, Hietzinger Friedhof.
> Prof. Christian Keuschnigg und Prof. Manfred Deistler, Wien, 30. Mai 
> 2013
> ------- End of Forwarded Message -------
> *************************************************
> Dani Gamerman
> Depto. de Métodos Estatísticos (DME)
> Lab. de Sistemas Estocásticos (LSE)
> Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
> http://www.dme.ufrj.br/dani
> www.statpop.blogspot.com.br
> fbook: StatPop, twitter: @blogStatPop
> *************************************************

Hedibert Freitas Lopes, Ph.D.
Associate Professor                             
Department of Statistical Methods
Institute of Mathematics
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)