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Fw: Full Time Positions in Universidad Nacional Colombia

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: Jaime Alberto Londoño <jaime.a.londono@gmail.com>

Sent: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 11:56:38 -0500
Subject: Full Time Positions in Universidad Nacional Colombia

Dear Colleages,
I am enclosing information about a call for the opening for full time
positions that we have in Universidad Nacional de Colombia.  I hope
that you can find the information useful.

 In particular  there are 9 openings in mathematics and 3 in
statistics for full time appointments.

I also include a brief summary about the positions and the Universidad
Nacional.  We appreciate a lot if you can follow the information for
the call to your list of contacts that could be interested.

Sincerely yours
Jaime Londoño

Universidad Nacional de Colombia is opening a call to provide 9 full
time positions in the Department of Mathematics and 3 full time
positions in the Department of Statistics.
Information for the call for positions in the Universidad Nacional is
found in the web page
Information for the call for positions in Mathematics and Statistics,
Bogotá can be found in

Universidad Nacional de Colombia is the most prestigious public
university in Colombia. The department of mathematics currently
offers an undergraduate program in Mathematics, a MS program in
Mathematics, a MS program in Applied Mathematics, and a Ph.D program
in Mathematics, and recently approved a MS program a MS program in
Actuarial Science and Finance, . The department of statistics offers
an undergraduate program in Statistics, a MS program in Statistics, a
specialization program in Statistics and a Ph.D in Statistics.

A typical salary varies from $US 40000 to $US 100000 (after taxes)
plus pension and health plans depending on experience and research
production. (These are estimated quantities)

A typical load is two courses per semester. and a research project.

Cost of linving in Bogotá is found in

Jaime A. Londoño
Profesor Asociado,
Departamento de Matemáticas,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá
email: jaime.a.londono@gmail.com
email: jalondonol@unal.edu.co
twitter:  jaime_a_londono
linkedin:  http://co.linkedin.com/pub/jaime-londoño/11/1b7/891
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Dani Gamerman
Depto. de Métodos Estatísticos (DME)
Lab. de Sistemas Estocásticos (LSE)
Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
fbook: StatPop, twitter: @blogStatPop