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SeminÃrio do Programa de PÃs-GraduÃÃo em EstatÃstica - UFSCar/USP â 23/08/2013 - 14h00

SeminÃrio PIPGEs - UFSCar/USP â 23/08/2013 - 14h00

LOCAL: Sala 5003 â ICMC-USP


TÃtulo: Profounding the Notion of the Bivariate Lack of Memory Property

Palestrante: Nikolai Valtchev Kolev â IME-USP



In this talk, we first will establish necessary and sufficient conditions such that the sum of the components of hazard gradient vector of bivariate continuous nonnegative distributions to be a linear function of both arguments. Several related characterizations will be presented. We will show that these distributions possess a new defined, Sibuya-type bivariate lack of memory property which incorporates classical versions known in literature. We propose an approach to construct corresponding families of bivariate distributions having as a particular case many known ones.