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Fwd: Workshop: Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling for Ecologists, Porto Alegre, Brazil - March 2014

De: "millan cristiane" <millan.cristiane@gmail.com>
Para: "clarice demetrio" <clarice.demetrio@usp.br>
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 27 de Novembro de 2013 10:58:40
Assunto: Fwd: Workshop: Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling for Ecologists, Porto Alegre, Brazil - March 2014

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Reenviado-De: crismillan@msn.com
De: GonÃalo Ferraz <goncalo.ferraz@ufrgs.br>
Data: 27 de novembro de 2013 10:52:13 BRST
Reenviado-Para: millan.cristiane@gmail.com
Para: GonÃalo Ferraz <gferraz29@gmail.com>
Assunto: Workshop: Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling for Ecologists, Porto Alegre, Brazil - March 2014

Dear colleague,

We have three days left of the application period for the March 2014 Hierarchical Modeling workshop in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The initiative is meant to provide an update on the construction of hierarchical linear models in the Bayesian context - very useful for people working with site-occupancy and demographic problems with imperfect observation. Would you be so kind to help us with a final round of advertisement for the initiative? Please see detailed information in the link: http://www.ferrazlab.com/LabSite/Teaching.html

We presently do not have confirmed grants to cover airfare and registration fees for non-Brazilian graduate students, but we are doing our best to obtain support for at least two students. So please, encourage any interested students to apply regardless of financial considerations. The application is free.

Thank you for your attention.


GonÃalo Ferraz
Professor Adjunto - Departamento de Ecologia
Instituto de BiociÃncias
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

EndereÃo Postal / Postal Address:
UFRGS - Departamento de Ecologia
Av. Bento GonÃalves 9500
Porto Alegre RS 91540-000

Tel. 55 (51) 3308-6772