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Announcement - Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Caros colegas,

Segue divulgação de chamada para doutorado pleno, pós doutorado ou doutorado sanduíche em Rotterdam, Países Baixos, pelo programa Ciência sem Fronteiras. 
Também estou à disposição para dar mais informações aos interessados, com base na minha breve experiência no Erasmus MC.



Cibele M. Russo

Professora Doutora em Estatística

Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação
Universidade de São Paulo

E-mail: cibele@icmc.usp.br 


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: E.M.E.H. Lesaffre <e.lesaffre@erasmusmc.nl>
Date: 2013/12/4
Subject: PhD students, post-docs
To: "Cibele Russo (cibele@icmc.usp.br)" <cibele@icmc.usp.br>
Cc: "E.M.E.H. Lesaffre" <e.lesaffre@erasmusmc.nl>




The Department of Biostatistics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam (the Netherlands) has a strong international reputation in various areas of applied statistics, such as smoothing methods, hierarchical models, joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data, clinical trials, Bayesian methods, etc. . All these developments were inspired by clinical research questions originating from a variety of real data sets.


The department invites young statistical researchers aiming at a PhD to develop new methodology triggered by clinical and/or statistical questions originating from real data sets collected, e.g. Erasmus MC. We offer supervision to PhD students applying for a sandwich procedure (PhD thesis co-ordinated from the base and host (Erasmus MC) university).


For further information on the activities of the Department, please consult http://www.erasmusmc.nl/biostatistiek/ .

For those who are interested in pursuing a PhD in applied statistics, motivated by real questions and real data, please write to Professor Emmanuel Lesaffre (e.lesaffre@erasmusmc.nl).


Kind regards




Emmanuel Lesaffre

Professor in Biostatistics

Chair Department of Biostatistics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Room Na-2416, Dr. Molewaterplein 50-60, 3015 GE Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Tel: +31 10 70 43099 | Fax: + 31 10 70 44 657 | Tel secr: +31 10 70 44514

E-mail: e.lesaffre@erasmusmc.nl | Website: http://www.erasmusmc.nl/biostatistiek/

L-Biostat, School of Public Health, KULeuven University of Leuven, Belgium

Kapucijnenvoer 35, 2nd Floor, B-3000 Leuven, BELGIUM

Tel: +32 16 33 68 96 | Fax: + 32 16 33 70 15 | Tel secr: +32 16 33 68 92

E-mail: emmanuel.lesaffre@med.kuleuven | Website: http://med.kuleuven.be/biostat/