Invited Thematic Sessions

  • IS1 - Robustness
    Organizer: Graciela Boente , Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Ana Maria Bianco, Universidad de Buenos Aires / CONICET
    Addressing robust estimation in conditional ROC curves

    Alejandra Mercedes Martinez, Universidad Nacional de Lujan / CONICET
    Simultaneous robust estimation and variable selection for partially linear additive models

  • IS2 - Network estimation problems
    Organizer: Oscar Madrid Padilla , University of California

    Oscar Hernan Madrid Padilla, University of California
    Learning Gaussian DAGs from Network Data

    Jesús Arroyo, Texas A&M University
    Joint spectral clustering in multilayer networks

    Joshua Cape University, University of Wisconsin–Madison
    Robust spectral clustering with rank statistics

    Sharmodeep Bhattacharyya, Oregon State University
    Dependent Structures in Network Data

  • IS3 - Random geometry
    Organizer: Avelio Sepúlveda , Universidad de Chile

    Pablo A Ferrari, Universidad de Buenos Aires
    Poisson line processes and the Lévy Chentsov field

    Manuel Cabezas, Universidad Católica de Chile
    Historical lattice trees

    Saraí Hernández-Torres, Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM
    On the chemical distance of random interlacements

  • IS4 - Stochastic models in biology
    Organizer: Noemi Kurt , Goethe Universität
    Chair: Simon Harris, University of Auckland

    Fernando Cordero, Bielefeld University
    Λ-Wright–Fisher processes with selection and opposing environmental effects

    Arno Siri-Jégousse, UNAM
    The evolution and the genealogy of a self-similar population

    Renato S. dos Santos, UFMG
    Interacting Poissonian trajectories and clonal interference

    Cornelia Pokalyuk, Goethe Universität Frankfurt
    Invasion of cooperative parasites in structured host populations

  • IS5 - Stochastic processes
    Organizer: Pablo Groisman , Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Santiago Saglietti, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
    Tightness of the Cover Time of Wired Planar Domains

    Daniel Kious
    Random walk on the simple symmetric exclusion process

    Leonardo T. Rolla, USP
    Oriented percolation with modified boundaries

    Renato Jacob Gava, Universidade Federal de São Carlos
    Central limit theorem and almost sure clt for dependent Bernoulli random variables

  • IS6 - Statistical theory for neural networks
    Organizer: Johannes Schmidt-Hieber, University of Twente

    Johannes Schmidt-Hieber, University of Twente
    A survey of statistical theory for deep learning

    Sophie Langer, University of Twente
    Dropout in the Linear Model

    Masaaki Imaizumi, The University of Tokyo
    On Generalization Bounds for Deep Networks based on Loss Surface Implicit Regularization

  • IS7 - Strongly correlated particle systems
    Organizer: Alexandre Stauffer, University of Bath

    Maximilian Nitzschner, NYU Courant
    Smoothness of the diffusion coefficients for particle systems in continuous space

    Guillaume Conchon--Kerjan, King's College London
    The monotonic speed of the random walk on the simple exclusion process

    Marcelo Hilário, UFMG
    Random walks driven by interacting particle systems in one dimension

    Alexandre Stauffer, University of Bath
    Mixing time of random walk on dynamical random cluster

  • IS8 - Random graphs and trees
    Organizer: Louigi Addario-Berry , McGill University

    Mariana Olvera-Cravioto, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
    Opinion dynamics on directed complex networks

    Avelio Sepúlveda, Universidad de Chile
    The triviality of the shocked map

    Simon Griffiths, PUC-Rio

  • IS9 - Branching Processes
    Organizer: Santiago Saglietti , Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

    Airam Aseret Blancas Benitez, ITAM
    Evolving genealogies for finite branching populations under selection and competition

    Pablo Groisman, University of Buenos Aires
    Rank Dependent Branching-Selection Particle Systems

    Simon Harris, University of Auckland
    Genealogies of samples from some stochastic population models

  • IS10 - Modern martingale methods in machine learning and statistics
    Organizer: Aaditya Ramdas , Carnegie Mellon University. Chair: Morgane Austern

    Johannes Ruf, LSE
    Testing exchangeability: fork-convexity, supermartingales, and e-processes

    Sam Allen, University of Bern
    Assessing the calibration of multivariate probabilistic forecasts: Sequential tests using e-values

    Michael Lindon, Netflix
    Applications of Martingale Statistical Methods at Netflix