Main speakers
S. A. Argyros (Nat. Tech. U. Athens)
R. Deville (U. Bordeaux)
P. Dodos (U. Athens)
G. Godefroy (Paris 6)
P. Hajek (Czech Acad. & Cz. Polytech. U.)
P. Koszmider (Polish Acad. Warsaw)
V. Pestov (U. Ottawa & UFSC)
C. Rosendal (U. Illinois Chicago)
G. Schechtman (Weizmann Inst.)
Th. Schlumprecht (Texas A&M)
S. Todorcevic (CNRS Paris & U. Toronto)
Abstracts are now available here.
Please note that main speakers will have 45min talks and all other speakers 25min talks. Poster sessions will be on Tuesday 26 and Thursday 28 during the coffee breaks.
The schedule can be found here.
- Razvan Anisca, On hereditary approximation property
- Spiros A. Argyros, Banach spaces with rich $\mathcal{L}_\infty$ structure
- Antonio Avilés, A classification of separable Banach spaces under
analytic determinacy
- Cleon Barroso, On separable quotients
- Dana Bartosova, Generalizations of Gowers’ Theorem
- Kevin Beanland, Tsirelson spaces with constraints
- Jamilson Campos, Type of multilinear operators and polynomials
- Alejandro Chavez-Dominguez, Stability of low-rank matrix recovery and its
connections to Banach space geometry
- Wilson A. Cuéllar, Compatible complex structures on Kalton-Peck
- Robert Deville, Construction of differentiable functions
between Banach spaces
- Pandelis Dodos, Ramsey theory and the geometry of Banach spaces
- Barnabas Farkas, Representations of ideals in Banach spaces
- Vinícius V. Fávaro, Spaceability in Banach and quasi-Banach spaces
of vector-valued sequences
- Manuel González, Twisted sums of Banach spaces
generated by complex interpolation
- Pedro Kaufmann, Products of free spaces and applications
- Piotr Koszmider, The elusive geometry of the Banach space
- Niels Laustsen, Maximal left ideals of operators acting on a Banach space
- Brice Mbombo, Around Approximate Fixed Point Property (AFPP)
- Pavlos Motakis, The stabilized set of p’s in Krivine’s theorem
can be disconnected
- Przemysław Ohrysko, On spectra of measures
- Daniel Pellegrino, On the real polynomial Bohnenblust–Hille
- Vladimir Pestov, Projectively universal countable metrizable groups
- Antonin Prochazka, Low distortion embeddings between C(K) spaces
- Christian Rosendal, The intrinsic geometry of topological groups
- Bunyamin Sari, Uniform classification of classical Banach spaces
- Gideon Schechtman, An $\ell_1$ preserving operator on $L_1(0, 1)$ which is
not an isomorphism
- Thomas Schlumprecht, A new Proof of Zippin’s Embedding Theorem and
- Richard Smith, Boundaries, polyhedrality and LFC norms
- Jarno Talponen, Extracting bimonotone basic sequences from long
weakly null sequences
- Stevo Todorcevic, Sequences in Large Spaces
- Pedro Tradacete, Disjoint sequences in Banach lattices
- Despoina Ioanna Zisimopoulou, A hierarchy of separable commutative Calkin
- Andras Zsak, Closed ideals in $\mathcal{L}(\ell_p\oplus\ell_q)$
Scientific committee
J. M. F. Castillo (U. Extremadura)
V. Ferenczi (U. São Paulo)
R. Haydon (U. Oxford)
W. B. Johnson (Texas A&M)
G. Pisier (Paris 6 & Texas A&M)
Th. Schlumprecht (Texas A&M)
S. Todorcevic (CNRS Paris & U. Toronto)
Organizing committee
F. Baudier (Paris 6 & Texas A&M)
C. Brech (U. São Paulo)
V. Ferenczi (U. São Paulo), chair
E. M. Galego (U. São Paulo)
J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT)