src/matching.c File Reference

#include "matching.h"


void all_notes_off ()
int has_accompaniment (Link *links, int delta_time)
void update_clocks ()
long int get_current_time ()
void after_match (Link link, Link *links)
void matching ()

Function Documentation

void all_notes_off (  ) 

This function sends a 'Note Off' event for all the notes that may be sounding.

int has_accompaniment ( Link links,
int  delta_time 

This function checks if there is any note between the delta time of the current position of each track and new delta time. It returns 1 if there is and 0 if there is not.

void update_clocks (  ) 

This function updates all the global variables that store the clocks values.

long int get_current_time (  ) 

This function gets the current computer time and returns its value in milliseconds.

void after_match ( Link  link,
Link links 

This function handles the execution of the program after a match has been detected.

void matching (  ) 

This function is the kernel of this program. We can divide it into four parts: (1) first, it handles the musician input in real time; (2) compares it with the score using the LCS problem algorithm; (3) updates the virtual clock according to the musician's tempo; (4) plays the accompaniment given the evolution of the virtual clock.

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