Students past and present

Phd students
Pedro de Oliveira Emerick (current). Non self-conjuguate operator ideals and complex structures in Banach spaces.
Gabriela Cristina da Silva (current). Envelopes and minimal points in metric spaces.
Giulia Fantato Cardoso (current). Uniform homeomorphisms in interpolation scales of families of Banach spaces.
Denis de Assis Pinto Garcia (2024). Actions of topological groups on twisted sums of Banach spaces.
Alejandra Cáceres Rigo (2022). About tightness in Banach spaces.
Leandro Antunes (2019). Light groups of isometries and polyhedrality of Banach spaces. Currently: professor do magistério superior at UTFPR
Willian Corrêa (2018). Results on twisted sums of Banach and operator spaces. Menção honrosa prêmio Capes de Tese 2019.
Currently: professor doutor at ICMC-USP.
Wilson Cuellar Carrera (2015). Banach spaces with various complex structures. Currently: professor doutor at IME-USP

Master students
Giula Cardoso Fantato. (2023) The existence of affine isometric actions with unbounded orbits on Lp spaces: dependence on p.
Rafaela Gesing. (2020) Uniform homeomorphisms between unit spheres of interpolation spaces.
Denis de Assis Pinto Garcia. (2019). Aplicações da teoria dos espaços coarse a espaços de Banach e grupos topológicos.
Victor Juan Hernandez del Toro (2015). Extrapolação em espaços de Kothe.
Wilson Cuellar Carrera (2011). A Banach space not isomorphic to its complex conjugate.

Scientific initiation
Rafaela Gesing (2017). Unconditional bases and Banach lattices.

Graduation project
Lucas Nunes Fernandes Teles (2024). Combinatorial methods in Banach space theory.

Michael Rincón Villamizar (2022). Ideals associated to sequences in Banach spaces and Lipschitz derivations in Hilbert spaces.
Willian Corrêa (2020). Twisted Hilbert and complexity in Banach spaces.
Wilson Cuellar Carrera (2018). Interpolation, twisted sums and borelian classes of Banach spaces.
Brice Mbombo (2016). Universal topological groups.