(Last update: September 2024)
I am very grateful for all the financial support I have received. It has been crucial for the accomplishment of my research projects.
Research grant PI/Co-PI/Senior Personnel
- 2023-2026 - Learning Software Engineering by Contributing to Real Projects with Chatbot Assistance
Funded by: NSF (National Science Foundation), USA – grant 2303042 - 2023-2026 - A Learning Environment for an Open-Source Contribution Model
Funded by: NSF (National Science Foundation), USA – grant 2247929 - 2023-2025 - Scaffolding Computational Thinking in Introductory Computer Science through a Conversational Agent
Funded by: NSF (National Science Foundation), USA – grant 2236198 - 2023-2025 - POSE: Phase II: Expanding the data.table ecosystem for efficient big data manipulation in R
Funded by: NSF (National Science Foundation), USA – grant 2303612 - 2021-2024 - Collaborative Research: CCRI: New: Distributed Sensing & Computing Over Sparse Environments (DISCOVER) Platform
Funded by: NSF (National Science Foundation), USA – grant 2120485 - 2019-2023 - CHS: Large: Gender-Inclusive Open Source through Gender-Inclusive Tools
Funded by: NSF (National Science Foundation), USA – grant 1900903 - 2019-2020 - Development of Cost-Effective Sensing Systems and Analytics (CeSSA) to Monitor Roadway Conditions and Mobility Safety
Funded by: U.S. Department of Transportation - 2018-2021 - CHS: SHF: Small: Collaborative Research: Scaffolding skill acquisition to onboard OSS ecosystems
Funded by: NSF (National Science Foundation), USA – grant 1815503 - 2016-2017 - Software engineering newcomers’ barriers and motivations to onboard open source software projects
Funded by: FAPESP (Sao Paulo Research Foundation) – grant 2015/50084-1 - 2016 - A mobile application for conscious consumption based on collective intelligence
Funded by: FAPESP (Sao Paulo Research Foundation) – PIPE Program, grant 2015/16028-7 - 2015-2016 - High performance applications for smart cities with “The Machine:” Modeling, simulation, and development
Funded by: Hewlett-Packard (HP) Brazil - 2015-2017 - A portal for newcomer developers in open source software communities
Funded by: FAPESP (Sao Paulo Research Foundation) – grant 2014/21899-4 - 2013- 2015 - Newcomers support in open source software projects
Funded by: CNPq (Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development) – grant 477831/2013-3 - 2012- 2015 - NAWEB – Research Center on Collaborative Environments on the Web
Funded by: Provost of Research / University of São Paulo – grant 154/2012 - 2012-2014 - Developers social network analysis for bug prediction in software projects
Funded by: Araucária Foundation – grant 344/2012 - 2011- 2013 - Support for social interaction and collective intelligence on the Web 2.0
Funded by: FAPESP (Sao Paulo Research Foundation) – grant 2010/06897-4 - 2010-2012 - Baile: Enabling scalable cloud services choreography
Funded by: Hewlett-Packard (HP) Brazil - 2010-2013 - CHOReOS: Large-scale choreographies for the Future Internet
Funded by: European Commission / FP7 - 2010-2012 - Arquigrafia-Brasil Social Network: photographic studies of Brazilian Architecture on the Web 2.0
Funded by: FAPESP (Sao Paulo Research Foundation) – grant 2009/183420 - 2009- 2010 - Software components for social interaction and collective intelligence
Funded by: RNP (Brazilian National Research and Educational Network) - grant GT CWTools - 2008- 2010 - Extending software components for the construction of collaborative systems for digital TVs
Funded by: CNPq (Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development) – grant 472410/2008-3 - 2007- 2009 - Teaching-learning through digital TV: integrating the AulaNet Environment to the Ginga Middleware
Funded by: FAPES (Espirito Santo Research Foundation) – grant 38874849/2007