15th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics

March 09-11, 2020

Maresias Beach, São Sebasti o - SP - Brazil


General registration starts: November 1st 2019
Registration of accepted submission: January 17th 2020
Disclosure of selected submissions: January 10th 2020
Deadline for submission of papers: December 13th 2019
Registration Fees: Registration fees will cover expenses not foreseen by funding agencies such as making badges, spending on coffee breaks, and others. The rates are in the table below, where partner refers to ISBRA.

Registration form

Registration Date Participant Non-Partner Partner
Até 01/17/2020 Undergraduate student R$ 400,00 R$ 300,00
Graduate student R$ 500,00 R$ 400,00
Professional R$ 600,00 R$ 500,00
Após 01/17/2020 Undergraduate student R$ 500,00 R$ 375,00
Graduate student R$ 625,00 R$ 500,00
Professional R$ 750,00 R$ 625,00

Pagamento por depósito em banco

Nome do banco: Banco Itau
Agência: 9157
Conta corrente: 01057-1
Favorecido: Hedibert Freitas Lopes
CPF: 934.277.437-72

15th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics

Beach Hotel Maresias
Avenida Doutor Francisco Loup, 1109
Maresias Beach, São Sebastião - SP - Brazil