The global solutions to Cartan’s realization problem (2019) - With Rui Loja Fernandes
Lie groupoids and semi-local models of Singular Riemannian foliations (2018) - With Marcos M. Alexandrino & Marcelo K. Inagaki
Stability of Lie Group Homomorphisms and Lie Subgroups (2018) (to appear in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra)- With Cristian Camilo Cárdenas
Deformations of Lie Groupoids (IMRN 2018) - With Marius Crainic & João Nuno Mestre
Multiplicative Forms and Spencer Operators (Math Z. 2015) - With Marius Crainic & Maria Amelia Salazar
A Survey on Rigidity and Stability Results for Lie Algebras (Indag. Math. 2014) - With Marius Crainic & Florian Schätz
The Classifying Lie Algebroid of a Geometric Structure I: Classes of Coframes (Trans. of the AMS 2014) - With Rui Loja Fernandes
On the linearization theorem for proper Lie groupoids (Annales scientifiques de l’ENS 2013) - With Marius Crainic
On Zeeman Topology in Kaluza-Klein and Gauge Theories (Hadronic Journal 2009) - with Márcio Rosa
Lie algebroids and classification problems in geometry (São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2008) - With Rui Loja Fernandes