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Keepalive em pilhas TCP/IP


  anexo esta um programa que imprime na tela qual e o default de diversos
parametros alteraveis da pilha tcpip.

   Rodei o programa tanto no linux como no solaris 7 e o default de
KEEPALIVE nestes SO e´ DESABILITADO. Alem disto, segundo o Tcpip
Ilustraded, o keepalive e´ opcional pela RFC, e o default de intervalo
entre os testes e´ de 2 horas.

  Alguns dos parametros dependem de privilegios de root, entao h[a um
teste no inicio do programa. Se quiserem, basta comentar o exit que
poderao ver a maioria dos parametros.

  para compilar no linux: gcc -o getsockopt getsockopt.c
  no solaris: gcc -lsocket -o getsockopt getcoskopt.c


 * getsocketopts -- get the defaults
 * This (on a Solaris 7 system) should say:
 * % su root -c ./getsockopts
 * Default SO_ACCEPTCON: accepting connections = 0
 * Default SO_BROADCAST, broadcast allowed = 0
 * Default SO_REUSEADDR, address recycling = 0
 * Default SO_KEEPALIVE, send keepalive packets = 0
 * Default SO_OOBINLINE, oob data folded inline = 0
 * Default SO_SNDBUF, send buffer size = 8192
 * getsocketopts: could not test SO_RCVLOWAT, receive low-water mark
 * getsocketopts: could not test SO_SNDLOWAT, send low-water mark
 * getsocketopts: could not test SO_RCVTIMEO, receive timeout
 * getsocketopts: could not test SO_SNDTIMEO, send timeout
 * Default SO_RCVBUF, receive buffer size = 32768
 * Default SO_ERROR, error status = 0
 * Default SO_TYPE, socket type = 2
 * Default TCP_MAXSEG, maximum segment size (mss) = 536
 * Default TCP_NODELAY, send even tiny packets = 0

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* For defn' of exit(). */
#include <sys/types.h> /* for getuid() */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h> /* For socket() */
#include <netinet/in.h> /* For protocol numbers. */
#include <netinet/tcp.h>   /* For options. */

typedef struct option_t {
	int name;
	char *printable;

void query(int, int, OPTION *);

OPTION so_option[] = {
	{ SO_ACCEPTCONN, "SO_ACCEPTCON: accepting connections" },
	{ SO_BROADCAST, "SO_BROADCAST, broadcast allowed" },
	{ SO_REUSEADDR, "SO_REUSEADDR, address recycling" },
	{ SO_KEEPALIVE, "SO_KEEPALIVE, send keepalive packets" },
	/* { SO_LINGER, "SO_LINGER, lingers on close"}, */
	{ SO_OOBINLINE, "SO_OOBINLINE, oob data folded inline"},
#ifdef SO_SNDBUF
	{ SO_SNDBUF, "SO_SNDBUF, send buffer size" },
	{ SO_RCVLOWAT, "SO_RCVLOWAT, receive low-water mark"},
	{ SO_SNDLOWAT, "SO_SNDLOWAT, send low-water mark"},
	{ SO_RCVTIMEO, "SO_RCVTIMEO, receive timeout"},
	{ SO_SNDTIMEO, "SO_SNDTIMEO, send timeout"},
#ifdef SO_RCVBUF
	{ SO_RCVBUF, "SO_RCVBUF, receive buffer size"},
#ifdef SO_ERROR
	{ SO_ERROR, "SO_ERROR, error status"},
#ifdef SO_TYPE
	{ SO_TYPE, "SO_TYPE, socket type"},
	{ 0, NULL }

OPTION tcp_option[] = {
	  { TCP_MAXSEG, "TCP_MAXSEG, maximum segment size (mss)"},
	  { TCP_NODELAY, "TCP_NODELAY, send even tiny packets"},
	  { 0, NULL}

main() {
	int s;
	if ((getuid()) != 0) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr,"getsocketopts: you must be root first.\n");
		(void) exit(1);

	if ((s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) {
		perror("failed in socket call,");
		(void) exit(1);
	query(s, SOL_SOCKET, so_option);
	query(s, IPPROTO_TCP, tcp_option);

	(void) close(s);
	(void) exit(0);

 * query -- see about one option
query(int s, int type, OPTION *p) {
	int value, vlen = 4;

	for (; p->printable != NULL; p++) {
		if (getsockopt(s, type, p->name, (void *)&value, &vlen) == -1) {
			(void) fprintf(stderr,"getsocketopts: could not test %s\n",
		else {
			(void) printf("Default %s = %d\n",p->printable,value);