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Enc: [ST-NET] Postdoctoral Research Position at the Institute of Advanced Studies of TUM

----- Mensagem encaminhada de "\"Prof. Götz Kersting\""
<kersting@math.uni-frankfurt.de> -----
    Data: Thu, 1 May 2008 16:05:16 +0200
      De: "\"Prof. Götz Kersting\"" <kersting@math.uni-frankfurt.de>
Reponder para: "\"Prof. Götz Kersting\"" <kersting@math.uni-frankfurt.de>
 Assunto: [ST-NET] Postdoctoral Research Position at the Institute of	Advanced
Studies of TUM
    Para: st-net@zib.de

Von: Claudia Klueppelberg <cklu@ma.tum.de>
Datum: 30. April 2008 16:04:26 MESZ


The recently founded "Institute for Advanced Studies" (IAS)
of the Munich University of Technology (TUM) invites applications for

1 Postdoctoral Research Position

starting 1. October 2008 (for a maximum of three years).

The IAS (http://www.ias.tum.de ) is the centrepiece of TUM's  
institutional strategy to promote top-level research within the so- 
called Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments

 From October 2008 on a new research group "Risk Analysis and  
Stochastic Modelling" will be established for a three years period at  
the IAS.
The group is currently built up by Prof. Dr. Claudia Kl"uppelberg and  
Dr. Robert Stelzer, who have been appointed research fellows for three  
years. The research group will also be complemented by long term  
visitors and several PhD students.

If you have an excellent PhD in Mathematics (with a solid education in  
Stochastics) with the strong goal to combine high-class mathematics  
with topical applications (in the engineering, life or ecological  
sciences),  then you should apply for this position.
The position does not involve any teaching duties and comes with a  
full employment

Munich University of Technology is an equal opportunity employer and
particularly encourages applications of women.

Please, send applications including CV and list of publications  
preferably by email to

Prof. Dr. Claudia Kl"uppelberg
Lehrstuhl f"ur Mathematische Statistik
Zentrum Mathematik
Technische Universit"at M"unchen
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85747 Garching bei Muenchen

Email: cklu@ma.tum.de

Prof. Dr. Claudia Klüppelberg, Lehrstuhl für Mathematische Statistik
Zentrum Mathematik, Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstr. 3, D-85748 Garching bei München
Room: 03.10.054,  Phone: +49 89 289 17432, Fax: +49 89 289 17435
e-mail: cklu@ma.tum.de,  URL: http://www-m4.ma.tum.de/m4/pers/cklu

----- Finalizar mensagem encaminhada -----

Nikolai Kolev <nkolev@ime.usp.br>
Von: Claudia Klueppelberg <cklu@ma.tum.de>
Datum: 30. April 2008 16:04:26 MESZ


The recently founded "Institute for Advanced Studies" (IAS)
of the Munich University of Technology (TUM) invites applications for

1 Postdoctoral Research Position

starting 1. October 2008 (for a maximum of three years).

The IAS (http://www.ias.tum.de ) is the centrepiece of TUM's  
institutional strategy to promote top-level research within the so- 
called Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments

 From October 2008 on a new research group "Risk Analysis and  
Stochastic Modelling" will be established for a three years period at  
the IAS.
The group is currently built up by Prof. Dr. Claudia Kl"uppelberg and  
Dr. Robert Stelzer, who have been appointed research fellows for three  
years. The research group will also be complemented by long term  
visitors and several PhD students.

If you have an excellent PhD in Mathematics (with a solid education in  
Stochastics) with the strong goal to combine high-class mathematics  
with topical applications (in the engineering, life or ecological  
sciences),  then you should apply for this position.
The position does not involve any teaching duties and comes with a  
full employment

Munich University of Technology is an equal opportunity employer and
particularly encourages applications of women.

Please, send applications including CV and list of publications  
preferably by email to

Prof. Dr. Claudia Kl"uppelberg
Lehrstuhl f"ur Mathematische Statistik
Zentrum Mathematik
Technische Universit"at M"unchen
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85747 Garching bei Muenchen

Email: cklu@ma.tum.de

Prof. Dr. Claudia Klüppelberg, Lehrstuhl für Mathematische Statistik
Zentrum Mathematik, Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstr. 3, D-85748 Garching bei München
Room: 03.10.054,  Phone: +49 89 289 17432, Fax: +49 89 289 17435
e-mail: cklu@ma.tum.de,  URL: http://www-m4.ma.tum.de/m4/pers/cklu

Von: Claudia Klueppelberg <cklu@ma.tum.de>
Datum: 30. April 2008 16:04:26 MESZ


The recently founded "Institute for Advanced Studies" (IAS)
of the Munich University of Technology (TUM) invites applications for

1 Postdoctoral Research Position

starting 1. October 2008 (for a maximum of three years).

The IAS (http://www.ias.tum.de ) is the centrepiece of TUM's institutional strategy to promote top-level research within the so-called Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments
(http://portal.mytum.de/tum/exzellenzinitiative/zukunftskonzept/index_html )

From October 2008 on a new research group "Risk Analysis and Stochastic Modelling" will be established for a three years period at the IAS.
The group is currently built up by Prof. Dr. Claudia Kl"uppelberg and Dr. Robert Stelzer, who have been appointed research fellows for three years. The research group will also be complemented by long term visitors and several PhD students.

If you have an excellent PhD in Mathematics (with a solid education in Stochastics) with the strong goal to combine high-class mathematics with topical applications (in the engineering, life or ecological sciences),  then you should apply for this position.
The position does not involve any teaching duties and comes with a full employment

Munich University of Technology is an equal opportunity employer and
particularly encourages applications of women.

Please, send applications including CV and list of publications preferably by email to

Prof. Dr. Claudia Kl"uppelberg
Lehrstuhl f"ur Mathematische Statistik
Zentrum Mathematik
Technische Universit"at M"unchen
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85747 Garching bei Muenchen

Email: cklu@ma.tum.de

Prof. Dr. Claudia Klüppelberg, Lehrstuhl für Mathematische Statistik
Zentrum Mathematik, Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstr. 3, D-85748 Garching bei München
Room: 03.10.054,  Phone: +49 89 289 17432, Fax: +49 89 289 17435
e-mail: cklu@ma.tum.de,  URL: http://www-m4.ma.tum.de/m4/pers/cklu

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