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Dando continuidade ao desenvolvimento da coleção do Portal de Periodicos da CAPES informamos que estamos disponibilizando a base JSTOR - Art & Sciences Collection 01, trata-se de colecao retrospectiva de periodicos voltada às áreas de ciências sociais aplicadas, ciências exatas e da terra, ciências biológicas e ciências humanas.


Trata-se da primeira coleção produzida pelo JSTOR em 1997.  Inclui o acervo completo de 119 títulos abrangendo 15 disciplinas, incluindo as mais importantes publicações  de sociedades voltadas para as áreas de economia, historia, ciências políticas, sociologia, assim como outros importantes títulos em ecologia, matemática e estatística, conforme descrito a seguir:


 Visite também o portal www.periodicos.capes.gov.br e consulte o material disponível na área do conhecimento que possa ser de seu interesse.


Por favor, envie-nos seus comentários e sugestões no e-mail periodicos@capes.gov.br <mailto:periodicos@capes.gov.br>




African American Review

The American Economic Review

The American Historical Review

American Journal of International Law

American Journal of Mathematics

American Journal of Political Science

American Journal of Sociology

American Literature

American Mathematical Monthly

The American Political Science Review

American Quarterly

American Sociological Review

The Annals of Applied Probability

Annals of Mathematical Statistics

The Annals of Mathematics

Annals of Probability

Annals of Statistics

Annual Review of Anthropology

Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics (In 2003, the Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics became the Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. Volumes published under this new title do not yet appear in JSTOR as our coverage presently ends at 2000.) Annual Review of Sociology Anthropology Today Applied Statistics Biometrika Callaloo The China Journal Contemporary Sociology Current Anthropology Demography Ecological Applications Ecological Monographs Ecology Econometrica The Economic Journal Eighteenth-Century Studies ELH Ethics Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies International Family Planning Perspectives International Organization Journal of African American History The Journal of American History Journal of Animal Ecology Journal of Applied Econometrics Journal of Asian Studies Journal of Black Studies The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education The Journal of Business Journal of Ecology The Journal of Economic History Journal of Economic Literature The Journal of Economic Perspectives The Journal of Finance The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Journal of Health and Social Behavior The Journal of Higher Education The Journal of Industrial Economics The Journal of Military History The Journal of Modern History Journal of Money, Credit and Banking Journal of Negro Education The Journal of Philosophy The Journal of Political Economy The Journal of Politics The Journal of Southern History Journal of Symbolic Logic Journal of the American Mathematical Society Journal of the American Statistical Association Journal of the History of Ideas Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute/Man Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society) Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology) Mathematics of Computation Mind MLN Monumenta Nipponica Nineteenth-Century Literature Noûs Pacific Affairs Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health Philosophical Issues Philosophical Perspectives Philosophical Quarterly The Philosophical Review Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Philosophy and Public Affairs Political Science Quarterly Population and Development Review Population Index Population Studies Population (English Edition) Population (French Edition) Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Proceedings of the American Political Science Association Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Public Opinion Quarterly The Quarterly Journal of Economics Renaissance Quarterly Representations The Review of Economic Studies The Review of Economics and Statistics The Review of Financial Studies Reviews in American History Shakespeare Quarterly SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis SIAM Review Social Psychology Quarterly Sociology of Education Speculum Statistical Science The Statistician Studies in Family Planning Studies in the Renaissance Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Transition William and Mary Quarterly World Politics Yale French Studies





Elenara Chaves Edler de Almeida


Coordenadora-Geral do Portal de Periódicos


Diretoria de Programas e Bolsas no País






Esplanada dos Ministérios - Anexo II do Bloco L - MEC - sala 206


Brasília - DF





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