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Fwd: Recife & the Conference.

Caros Redistas,


Estou colocando o email do Prof. Gilbert MacKenzie para mim

nesta lista por conta da sua Ãltima frase. Eu entendo que as ComissÃes

Organizadora e CientÃfica da 11a EMR merecem saber de sua opiniÃo

sobre o evento, como um elogio ao trabalho desenvolvido.





Em 12/03/2009 14:39, Gilbert MacKenzie escreveu:

Dear Gauss

We returned to Bargacos with Francisco and John Rice
and had a perfectly excellent meal with good wine. Bargacos
had removed "Trio" from their wine list!.

I was a bit hyper that first night when I discovered that
my credit card was missing. Several attempts were
made to use the card but none succeeded.

I was getting used to Brazilian life in Recife towards
the end of my visit - the people were wonderful and
full of life.

On the flight back to Lisbon I met a lady who lives in Junga beach
and she explained a lot about the life in Recife.

I very much enjoyed the conference - it was of a very
impressive standard - Statistics is alive and well in Brazil.





Prof. Gilbert MacKenzie,
Department of Mathematics & Statistics,
University of Limerick

Gilbert ~ http://www.staff.ul.ie/mackenzieg

CoB ~ http://www.ul.ie/biostatistics

Email ~ gilbert.mackenzie@ul.ie

ISA ~ http://www.istat.ie.

Tel: 00 353 (0)61 213499

But currently at home in Belfast

Email ~ g-mackenzie@utvinternet.com

Tel:/Fax 00 44 (0)2890 682358
