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Fwd: Post-Doctoral Fellowship Slots Available in Both General Biostatistics and Statistical Genetics

--------------------------- Mensagem Original ----------------------------
Assunto: Fwd: Post-Doctoral Fellowship Slots Available in Both General
Biostatistics and Statistical Genetics
De:      "Guilherme J. M. Rosa" <grosa@wisc.edu>
Data:    Ter, Março 1, 2011 14:14
Para:    "Clarice G.B. Demetrio" <clarice@carpa.ciagri.usp.br>
         "Roseli Aparecida Leandro" <raleandr@esalq.usp.br>
         "ltrinca" <ltrinca@ibb.unesp.br>
         "Julia M. Pavan Soler" <pavan@ime.usp.br>


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Post-Doctoral Fellowship Slots Available in Both General
Biostatistics and Statistical Genetics
Date: 	Wed, 23 Feb 2011 23:34:22 -0600
From: 	David Allison Ph.D. <DAllison@ms.soph.uab.edu>
To: 	kendzior@biostat.wisc.edu, grosa@wisc.edu, Daniel Gianola
<gianola@ansci.wisc.edu>, byandell@wisc.edu, newton@stat.wisc.edu

Dear Guilherme, Dan, Brian, Christine, and Mike,

I hope this message finds you well. Here at UAB, we have post-doctoral
fellowship slots available in both general biostatistics and in
statistical genetics. We have a robust and diverse post-doctoral
training program. Our fellows go on to be successful faculty members and
scientists and seem to be quite happy while in our program. For
statistical genetic fellowships, see:
http://www.soph.uab.edu/ssg/opportunities/postdocresearch. For general
biostatistics, webpage under construction.

US citizenship or permanent residency is required.

UAB is a major research intensive university.  UAB was ranked No. 3 in
the nation for diverse student population, according to The Princeton
Review's 2010 edition of its annual book, "The Best 371 Colleges."  We
were also rated 5th in the nation from The Scientist's "US Academic
Institutions Best Places to Work" survey (Nov. 2008), and in the top 25
in the nation for best places for post-doctoral training, according to a
2009 survey by the Scientist. UAB is known for its collaborative nature
and its highly interdisciplinary research training program.

To apply, all folks need to do is email me a CV and brief email message
stating their interest.

Will you please refer some good candidates to us?

Thanks and Best Wishes,



David B. Allison, Ph.D.

/Distinguished Professor/

Head, Section on Statistical Genetics, Dept of Biostatistics

& Director, Nutrition & Obesity Research Center

Ryals Public Health Building, Suite 414

University of Alabama at Birmingham

1665 University Boulevard

Birmingham, Alabama 35294

Phone: 205-975-9169

Fax: 205-975-2540

Email: Dallison@UAB.edu <mailto:Dallison@UAB.edu>

Web: http://www.ssg.uab.edu <http://www.ssg.uab.edu/>


Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo,
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phone: 55 19 34294144 R216

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Post-Doctoral Fellowship Slots Available in Both General Biostatistics and Statistical Genetics
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 23:34:22 -0600
From: David Allison Ph.D. <DAllison@ms.soph.uab.edu>
To: kendzior@biostat.wisc.edu, grosa@wisc.edu, Daniel Gianola <gianola@ansci.wisc.edu>, byandell@wisc.edu, newton@stat.wisc.edu


Dear Guilherme, Dan, Brian, Christine, and Mike,


I hope this message finds you well. Here at UAB, we have post-doctoral fellowship slots available in both general biostatistics and in statistical genetics. We have a robust and diverse post-doctoral training program. Our fellows go on to be successful faculty members and scientists and seem to be quite happy while in our program. For statistical genetic fellowships, see: http://www.soph.uab.edu/ssg/people/postdoc, http://www.soph.uab.edu/ssg/opportunities/postdoctoral, http://www.soph.uab.edu/ssg/opportunities/postdocresearch. For general biostatistics, webpage under construction.


US citizenship or permanent residency is required.


UAB is a major research intensive university.  UAB was ranked No. 3 in the nation for diverse student population, according to The Princeton Review's 2010 edition of its annual book, "The Best 371 Colleges."  We were also rated 5th in the nation from The Scientist's "US Academic Institutions Best Places to Work" survey (Nov. 2008), and in the top 25 in the nation for best places for post-doctoral training, according to a 2009 survey by the Scientist. UAB is known for its collaborative nature and its highly interdisciplinary research training program.


To apply, all folks need to do is email me a CV and brief email message stating their interest.


Will you please refer some good candidates to us?


Thanks and Best Wishes,






David B. Allison, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor

Head, Section on Statistical Genetics, Dept of Biostatistics

& Director, Nutrition & Obesity Research Center

Ryals Public Health Building, Suite 414

University of Alabama at Birmingham

1665 University Boulevard

Birmingham, Alabama 35294

Phone: 205-975-9169

Fax: 205-975-2540

Email: Dallison@UAB.edu

Web: http://www.ssg.uab.edu




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