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Fw: [ISI] Recipe for Bernoulli Sponsored Activities for 2013

Caros colegas,

Para conhecimento e possíveis iniciativas, repasso mensagem com um
breve documento sobre iniciativas para 2013, ano internacional da
Estatistica, em comemoracao aos 300 anos de Ars Conjectandi.

abracos, Eulalia

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: Maria Eulalia Vares <eulalia@cbpf.br>
To: eulalia@im.ufrj.br
Sent: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 22:37:56 -0300 (BRT)
Subject: [ISI] Recipe for Bernoulli Sponsored Activities for 2013 (fwd)



Dear Colleagues:


The attached one-page `Recipe'  provides a simple procedure for the development of a public event to celebrate The International Year of Statistics 2013 with sponsorship of the Bernoulli Society.


Send the`Recipe' to bs2013@cimat.mx


More information:


The clock is ticking, so please don't let this be a  missed opportunity in your region of the world.


Ed Waymire
President of the Bernoulli Society






------- End of Forwarded Message -------

Maria Eulalia Vares
Departamento de Métodos Estatísticos
Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ







Attachment: STAT2013_how.doc
Description: STAT2013_how.doc

Attachment: STAT2013_how.pdf
Description: STAT2013_how.pdf