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Class DspBenchmarking

  • java.lang.Object
    • Activity
      • br.usp.ime.dspbenchmarking.DspBenchmarking

  • public class DspBenchmarking
    extends Activity
    The main activity, called when the program starts. It basically lets the user to choose from using the DSP facilities in an example activity (which I called "LiveActivity") or running automated tests that will send a report through email when they are finished.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      private static boolean isReadyForRunningTests(Activity activity)
      This method will return 'true' only if: - Wifi is disabled.
      void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
      Called when activity is started: - Set main view.
      void startAllTestsActivity(View v)
      Start activity that runs all tests.
      void startLiveActivity(View v)
      Start activity that allows use of DSP system for live performance.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • textAirplaneMode

        private TextView textAirplaneMode
      • buttonAllTestsActivity

        private Button buttonAllTestsActivity
    • Constructor Detail

      • DspBenchmarking

        public DspBenchmarking()
    • Method Detail

      • onCreate

        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        Called when activity is started: - Set main view. - Lock/unlock tests button depending on conectivity state. Allows for calling one of two activities: - LiveActivity. - AllTestsActivity.
      • startLiveActivity

        public void startLiveActivity(View v)
        Start activity that allows use of DSP system for live performance.
        v -
      • startAllTestsActivity

        public void startAllTestsActivity(View v)
        Start activity that runs all tests.
        v -
      • isReadyForRunningTests

        private static boolean isReadyForRunningTests(Activity activity)
        This method will return 'true' only if: - Wifi is disabled. - There is no network connection. - Airplane mode is on (i.e. phone is not connected to a cell).
        activity -