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Class AllTestsActivity

  • java.lang.Object
    • Activity
      • br.usp.ime.dspbenchmarking.activities.AllTestsActivity

  • public class AllTestsActivity
    extends Activity
    An activity that performs all tests in a device. Tests are divided in 2 phases: Phase 1: measurement of time taken to perform common tasks (loopback, FFT, IIR filtering, etc). Phase 2: stress tests (convolution, additive synthesis, etc). During this phase, each algorithm is run with increasing complexity until the device limit is reached (i.e. until the computation period becomes bigger than the theoretical DSP period). Then, a binary search is performed to find the maximum parameter feasible for that algorithm. All tests use one DSP thread, which is subsequently suspended and resumed between tests execution. One DSP control thread is started that keeps watching the DSP thread and controls tests execution and results gathering.
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class and Description
      protected class  AllTestsActivity.TestControlThread
      This is the thread that actually runs and controls tests.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      private void configLayout() 
      private void finishTests(long totalTime)
      Finish tests.
      protected java.lang.String getDspThreadInfo()
      Generates a byte array with statistics from the DSP thread
      private java.lang.String getResultsHeader() 
      protected void launchTest(DspThread.AlgorithmEnum algorithm, int blockSize, int maxDspCycles, int stressParameter)
      Launch a new test by configuring and resuming the DSP thread.
      void onBackPressed()
      Do that ---^
      void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
      Executes upon creation of activity: - configure screen.
      protected void releaseDspThread()
      Stops and releases the DSP thread.
      protected void releaseTest()
      Releases a test by suspending the DSP thread.
      private void sendResults(java.lang.String title)
      Send tests results to email.
      protected void setupTests()
      Sets up everything needed to start tests: - open an input stream.
      protected void startControlThread()
      Start the test control thread.
      private void storeResults(int algInt, int stressParam, long totalTime)
      Store results from a test.
      protected void updateScreenInfo(DspThread.AlgorithmEnum algorithm, int blockSize)
      Update screen with test information.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • context

        Context context
      • toggleTestsButton

        protected ToggleButton toggleTestsButton
      • workingBar

        protected ProgressBar workingBar
      • progressBar

        protected ProgressBar progressBar
      • algorithmName

        protected TextView algorithmName
      • blockSizeView

        protected TextView blockSizeView

        private final int START_BLOCK_SIZE

        private final int END_BLOCK_SIZE
      • results

        java.lang.String results
      • inputStream

        private inputStream
      • lastTotalTime

        private long lastTotalTime

        private final java.lang.String MESSAGE_RELEASE_TEST
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        private final java.lang.String MESSAGE_FINISH_TESTS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        private final java.lang.String MESSAGE_STORE_RESULTS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        private final java.lang.String MESSAGE_MAX_DSP_CYCLES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        private final java.lang.String MESSAGE_STRESS_PARAM
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String MESSAGE_RUN_TESTS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • audioManager

        private AudioManager audioManager
      • mHandler

        Handle message from main thread. This handler receives messages from the TestControlThread and control test launch and screen update.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AllTestsActivity

        public AllTestsActivity()
    • Method Detail

      • onCreate

        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        Executes upon creation of activity: - configure screen. - configure tests. - start the test control thread.
      • configLayout

        private void configLayout()
      • setupTests

        protected void setupTests()
        Sets up everything needed to start tests: - open an input stream. - configure the DSP algorithm (block size, audio source, input strea, max dsp cycles, etc). - start the DSP thread.
      • updateScreenInfo

        protected void updateScreenInfo(DspThread.AlgorithmEnum algorithm,
                            int blockSize)
        Update screen with test information.
      • launchTest

        protected void launchTest(DspThread.AlgorithmEnum algorithm,
                      int blockSize,
                      int maxDspCycles,
                      int stressParameter)
        Launch a new test by configuring and resuming the DSP thread.
      • releaseTest

        protected void releaseTest()
        Releases a test by suspending the DSP thread.
      • finishTests

        private void finishTests(long totalTime)
        Finish tests.
      • sendResults

        private void sendResults(java.lang.String title)
        Send tests results to email.
        title -
      • releaseDspThread

        protected void releaseDspThread()
        Stops and releases the DSP thread.
      • startControlThread

        protected void startControlThread()
        Start the test control thread.
      • storeResults

        private void storeResults(int algInt,
                        int stressParam,
                        long totalTime)
        Store results from a test.
        maxFiltersize -
      • getResultsHeader

        private java.lang.String getResultsHeader()
        Formatted email header containing Android build info.
      • getDspThreadInfo

        protected java.lang.String getDspThreadInfo()
        Generates a byte array with statistics from the DSP thread
      • onBackPressed

        public void onBackPressed()
        Do that ---^