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Class LiveActivity

  • public class LiveActivity
    extends DspActivity
    The live activity allows for use of the DSP facilities during a live performance. In fact, it can be seen more as an "examples" screen with the implemented algorithms and possibility of switching between distinct block sizes, audio inputs and algorithms.
    • Field Detail

      • blockSize

        private int blockSize
      • dspAlgorithm

        private int dspAlgorithm
      • maxParamValue

        int maxParamValue
      • parameter1

        private double parameter1
      • audioSource

        private int audioSource
      • toggleDSPView

        private CheckBox toggleDSPView
      • dspBlockSizeView

        private Spinner dspBlockSizeView
      • audioSourceView

        private Spinner audioSourceView
      • algorithmView

        private Spinner algorithmView
      • parameter1View

        private SeekBar parameter1View
      • parameter1Listener

        private OnSeekBarChangeListener parameter1Listener
        Restarts DSP with new parameters.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LiveActivity

        public LiveActivity()
    • Method Detail

      • onCreate

        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        Called when the activity is first created. Setup the screen with options for modifying the DSP parameters (block size, algorithm, audio input, etc).
        onCreate in class DspActivity
      • onBackPressed

        public void onBackPressed()
        Stop DSP and finish the activity when "back" is pressed.
      • toggleDSP

        public void toggleDSP(View v)
        Turn processing on and off, according to button in 'res/layout/main.xml' interface.
        v -
      • restartDSP

        private void restartDSP()
        Restarts DSP with new parameters.