
Real time audio processing using highly-available, low-cost devices.


This work describes an investigation about real time audio signalprocessing using three platforms with fundamentally distinct computationalcharacteristics, but which are highly available in terms of cost andtechnology: Arduino, GPU boards and Android devices. Arduino is a device withopen hardware and software licences, based on a microcontroller with lowprocessing power, largely used as educational and artistic platform forcontrol computations and interfacing with other devices. GPU is a video cardarchitecture focusing on parallel processing, which has motivated the study ofspecific programming models for its use as a general purpose processingdevice. Android is an operating system for mobile devices based on the Linuxkernel, which allows the development of applications using high level languageand allows the use of sensors, connectivity and mobile infrastructuresavailable on devices. We search to systematize the limitations andpossibilities of each platform through the implementation of real time digitalaudio processing techinques and the analysis of computational intensity ineach environment.


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