CV (lattes)
Banach Space Theory - São Paulo
Functional Analysis and Descriptive Set Theory Seminar at IME-USP
Papers & Preprints
- On symplectic Banach spaces, with J. M.F. Castillo, M. González, R. Pino. Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A-Mat. 117, 56 (2023). pdf
- Local Banach-space dichotomies and ergodic spaces, with N. de Rancourt and V. Ferenczi. J. Eur. Math. Soc. Online, p. 1-62 (2022). pdf
- On disjointly singular centralizers, with J. M. F. Castillo, V. Ferenczi and Y. Moreno. Israel J. Math. 252, 215–241 (2022) pdf
- Non-ergodic Banach spaces are near Hilbert, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 370 (12), 8691–8707 (2018).
- Complex structures on twisted Hilbert spaces, with J. M. F. Castillo, V. Ferenczi and Y. Moreno, Israel J. Math. 222
(2), 787-814 (2017).
- Complex structures on Banach spaces with a subsymmetric basis, J.
Math. Anal. App. 440 (2), 624–635 (2016).
- A Banach space with a countable infinite number of complex structures,
J. Funct. Anal. 267 (5), 1462–1487 (2014).
Other publications
- Espaços de Banach com várias estruturas complexas, PhD Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, 2015.