6th Brazilian School of Probability


Scientific committee

Jean Bertoin (Paris 6 - France)
Pierre Collet (École Polytechnique - France)
Pablo Ferrari (IME-USP - Brazil)
Antônio Galves (IME-USP - Brazil)
Cláudio Landim (IMPA - Brazil)
François Ledrappier (École Polytechnique - France)
Alejandro Maass (Universidad de Chile - Chile)

Organizing committee

Roberto Fernandez
Coordinator of the Organizing Committee
Labo. de Maths Raphael SALEM, Univ. de Rouen - France
Ph: (+33) [0] 235 14 71 28/11
Fax: (+33) [0] 232 10 37 94

Luiz Renato Fontes (IME-USP - Brazil)
Nancy Lopes Garcia (IME-Unicamp - Brazil)
Fábio Prates Machado (IME-USP - Brazil)
Gregory Maillard (Univ. de Rouen - France)


Contact us: epb6@ime.usp.br.