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I NEED YOUR HELP! May the blessing of God be upon you
and grant you the wisdom and sympathy to understand my
family situation and how much we need your help in
this matter.

I also understand very well that this letter may come
to you as a big surprise but please kindly accept it
as an introduction of my self and my family and also a
request for your urgent assistance.
I am Mr.Ibrahim Ismaila Gwarzo. The son of Hon.Ismaila
Gwarzo,former national security adviser to the late
Nigerian Head of States,Late General Sani
Abacha.Although, Your contact information was made
available to me through an internet search for a
reliable foreign investor this morning.

 Unfortunately, my father has been under persecution
and seriously under house arrest, where all his
traveling documents and other essential documents has
been seized by the present President Olusegun
contrary to what they claimed he committed.
 During my father's tenure as security adviser to the
late head of states, he secretly deposited a sum of
 $7,000,000.00 (Seven million UnitedStates Dollars only) with a private security vault in Accra
Ghana, as a gift to his foreign partner suject to
the contract agreement indication between my father
and the security company.
These funds was packed in two trunk boxes by my father
and secretly declared the contents as an unconditional
/inrrevocable gift items to his foreign partner
abroad. The storage company does not have any single
knowledge about the contents of the two trunk
boxes which they are holding.
 Now, my family has mandated me to find a genuine
foreign investor outside africa who will be capable to
assist me in getting the funds out from the storage
and also help to place part of the total funds into
viable business investment through which the family
can start life again with this remaining recourses.
I would be grateful if you could be able to assist in
the remittance of this funds into your bank account by
swift transfer coupled with the investment project
which you is likely to be undertaken by you for
the benefit of the entire family both( your own
family)in future.
 Presently, I have taken refuge in Ghana about three
days ago only to avoid persecution there in my country
(Nigeria)because, all my family accounts both foreign
and local have been frozen and properties confiscated
by the new government of Olusegun Obasanjo. In
addition to the unlawful arrest going on in my
country, this is an SOS message as I only relied
absolutely on this money for the survival of my
Please,I would like you to understand that this money
we are talking about is in cash and I am prepared to
offer you a negotiable commission for your
assistance. Although, you can name your price if you
want as I do not have any problem about that, all I
request is your trustworthiness and sincerity in our
Be rest assured that this is 100% risk free. The
Nigerian government has no knowledge about this money,
even this country's government (Ghana) where I
have taking refuge has no idea over this matter,
including the security company itself as I have
mentioned earlier.
I look forward to receive your response as soon as
possible for urgent action.Alternative / Email Addres :lsmailagwarzo@702mail.co.za
Yours truly,
 Ibrahim Gwarzo
 (For the family)