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Re: [ABE-L]: cnpq

Bom dia brasileiros, amigos.
Tenho uma sugestao de minha experienca canadiense.
Vou escrever ingles por causa da importancia.

Statistics was part of the Mathematics Committee until the early eighties.
I was on that Committee in 79-80 and a bunch of people suggested that I should press for a separate Statistics Committee.
My reaction was absolutely no need.
But during the deliberations one statistical applicant's research was substantially put down.
Someone who, to me was clearly very good, and has had a very successful career.
Well I switched opinions and a Statistics Committee got formed that has operated very successfully since.

My suggestion is that you press for a Statistics Committee, and surely you can make a very good case.
If that doesn't fly, then you compromise on adding another member, and given the high standards of the Brazilian probabilists, it makes sense that that is a probabilist.

By the way, the applied mathematicians were very sad when the statisticians left as they got much support from us.

Nao sou gringo imperialismo, mas querro que coisas muita boas pelos estatisticos e probabilisticos brasileiros.

Ate a proxima, David