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Class Convolution

  • public class Convolution
    extends StressAlgorithm
    A random FIR filter that may vary it's length. The idea is just to be able to know if arbitrary filters of a given size are feasible in a specific device.
    • Field Detail

      • coef

        private double[] coef
    • Constructor Detail

      • Convolution

        public Convolution(int sRate,
                   int bSize,
                   int convSize)
        Configure the convolution algorithm.
        sRate -
        bSize -
        convSize -
    • Method Detail

      • calcCoef

        private void calcCoef()
        This calculates random coefficients to be used during a filter's comptuation.
      • perform

        public void perform(double[] buffer)
        Specified by:
        perform in class DspAlgorithm
      • wmean

        private double wmean(double[] buffer,
                   int n)
      • getAlgorithmName

        public java.lang.String getAlgorithmName()
        Specified by:
        getAlgorithmName in class DspAlgorithm
        The name of the algorithm.