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Class StressAlgorithm

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    AdditiveSynthesisLookupTable, AdditiveSynthesisSine, Convolution

    public abstract class StressAlgorithm
    extends DspAlgorithm
    A stress algorithm is an algorithm that may change it's computational cost so during a test it this cost can either be incremented or decremented to determine if a given algorithm is feasible in a specific device.
    • Field Detail

      • stressParameter

        protected int stressParameter
        This parameter should be used by stress algorithms to control the size or computational intensity of their work.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StressAlgorithm

        public StressAlgorithm(int sRate,
                       int bSize)
        The constructor just saves the sample rate and block size.
        sRate -
        bSize -
    • Method Detail

      • setStressParameter

        public void setStressParameter(int stressParam)
        Set the stress parameter.
        fSize -